It hasn't fallen from the sky, yet!

Osprey prototype VTOL aircraft testing at Santa Fe Airport.

The Osprey is here in Santa Fe, testing performance at high altitude and elevated temperature conditions. Not especially unusual, in and of itself. After all, helicopter detachments destined for Afghanistan are sent here to train and prepare for the same reasons. It's just as high, hot and dusty, here, as the neighborhood outside of Kabul. Well, Kabul's a little bit lower.

I'm part of an ongoing online discussion about sanctions against picture-taking during the growth of the Bush Reich. So far, I managed to keep from getting busted. I was driving past the airport when I saw the Osprey returning to the deck from what had been a series of minimal maneuvers over the airport. As soon as I saw where it landed, I drove around to the fence alongside the test area -- along with another half-dozen pickups, also driven by folks who were supposed to be working -- and took this photo with the camera I always keep in the truck.

I have to admit, when it comes to new and unusual technology, there's still a 12-year-old kid inside this particular old fart.

Posted: Tue - August 9, 2005 at 11:22 AM