Can Micro-Mart be next?

If Wal-Mart and Microsoft merge, then, China only has to buy one company.

Microsoft Corp. named Wal-Mart Stores Inc.'s Kevin Turner, once the retailer's youngest-ever executive, as chief operating officer to free up Chief Executive Steve Ballmer to spend more time on products.

Turner, 40, becomes the second outsider Ballmer hired to a top executive post in the past five months. He named International Paper Co.'s Christopher Liddell as finance chief in April.

Kevin Turner brought Sam’s Club gross receipts closer to Costco by having everyone work longer hours and by cutting prices. Costs went up; profits declined; but, the gross sales numbers looked better. For a while.

Among Turner's first priorities will be the release of Microsoft's new Windows program and an updated version of its database software.

After Sam’s Club numbers got up to 6.5% monthly gain in 2004, they dropped back to half that rate in 2005. Enron-style accountants can make that look good. We know Bill Gates will go along with having everyone work longer hours; but, cut prices on Windows? Good luck!

Posted: Sat - August 6, 2005 at 12:31 PM