Toyota eyes plug-in Prius


Toyota Motor has detailed plans to study U.S. consumer demand for a version of its hot-selling Prius hybrid that could be recharged at a standard outlet and run on electric power only.

“Before we bring it to market, our customers always expect a level of quality and reliability, value and cost,” Bob Carter said. “It’s critical that we understand the expectations of the consumers.”

Researchers will seek to learn how long drivers want the plug-ins to run on electric power only, how much they will pay for one, and where they will use charging stations. First results of Berkeley consumer studies would be ready in about a year.

UC Irvine will concentrate on technical issues, such as how much electricity will be taken from the regional power grid as thousands of hybrid owners plug in.

I thought Toyota would move in this direction. Not that GM will be serious competition; but, Honda has announced a commitment to a larger electric-drive proportion in their next-gen hybrids.

Posted: Sat - November 10, 2007 at 06:09 AM