Viking hoard discovery

The most important haul of Viking treasure to be discovered in Britain since the 19th century was unveiled by the British Museum.

The most important haul of Viking treasure to be discovered in Britain since the 19th century was unveiled by the British Museum.

Discovered earlier this year by a father and son detecting team near Harrogate in northern England, the find includes coins, ornaments, ingots and precious metal objects all hidden in a gilt silver bowl and buried in a lead chest.

The museum said the Harrogate hoard was probably buried by a wealthy Viking leader during the unrest that followed the brief conquest of the Viking kingdom of Northumbria in 927 AD by the Anglo-Saxon king Athelstan.

Illustrating the breadth of the Vikings’ travels and trade connections, objects in the Harrogate hoard have been identified as originating from as far afield as Afghanistan, Russia, Ireland and continental Europe.

The hoard contains coins relating to Islam, to the Vikings’ pre-Christian religion and to Christianity.

I can’t even find a frackin’ dime on the sidewalk outside a supermarket.

Posted: Thu - July 19, 2007 at 12:16 PM