No - we're not in Kansas

I know this ain’t much more than an overgrown dust devil - but, that’s all any tornado is!

I know this ain’t much more than an overgrown dust devil - but, that’s all any tornado is! It also ain’t especially supposed to be happening at this altitude - 6500 feet in NM.
This is looking Southwest from our orchard - towards Albuquerque. That’s Sandia Crest on the left. The tornado is 5 miles away in La Bajada, just below the southern half of the Caja del Rio mesa.

Pretty exciting for our neighborhood.

One of the neatest aspects of all this is that everyone has a digital camera, nowadays. Within an hour, the NEW MEXICAN newspaper had a half-dozen or more images online. I think the best was this one from Andy Wells.

Posted: Sat - June 9, 2007 at 04:36 PM