Footballer scores with sheep

A Croat footballer turned up for work to find a flock of sheep waiting for him.

A Croat footballer turned up for work to find a flock of sheep waiting for him.

Defender Ivica Supe scored 16 times this season for third division Zagora FC unaware that the club’s sponsor, Josko Bralic, a local shepherd, had promised a sheep for every goal scored by a defender.

Supe, 29, said: “It was a surprise, I just don’t know where I will keep them. And I am expecting to score more by the end of the season.”

“There is no industry in the area, it’s only a small village, and we were delighted when Mr Bralic offered to support us with sheep.”

I can think of a number of athletes better off scoring with sheep.

Posted: Thu - April 26, 2007 at 12:13 PM