GM shows 3 new cars: efficient, small - and ugly!

Something seems to be changing. Maybe it’s a generational thing, or perhaps the result of global warming, but suddenly, “small is beautiful.” But, ugly isn't.


“Bigger is better,” or so went the traditional American mantra. Big houses, big meals and, of course, big cars, whether the finned Caddies of the 1960s, or today’s full-sized pickups and SUVs. But something seems to be changing. Maybe it’s a generational thing, or perhaps the result of global warming, but suddenly, “small is beautiful.”


“Typically, we don’t have this size vehicle in the U.S. ,” acknowledged Courtney Moody, a marketing executive with Chevrolet. “But with gas prices where they are, we thought it was important to explore” the opportunities.

Really Ugly!

Will we see Trax, Beat, or Groove on the road any time soon? Define “soon,” the GM executives cautioned.

GM says small cars are only 5% of the world market. I think that’s a lie. But, aside from that, the big seller worldwide - still is the small diesel-powered pickup. Lots of companies make ‘em. You just can’t get one in the U.S..

Posted: Thu - April 5, 2007 at 07:51 AM