Forecaster sees active Atlantic hurricane season

The Atlantic hurricane season will be exceptionally active this year, according to a British forecasting group, raising the possibility that killer storms like Hurricane Katrina could again threaten the United States.

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The Atlantic hurricane season will be exceptionally active this year, according to a British forecasting group, raising the possibility that killer storms like Hurricane Katrina could again threaten the United States.

London-based forecaster Tropical Storm Risk on Tuesday said the six-month season, which begins on June 1, was expected to bring 17 tropical storms, of which nine will strengthen into hurricanes with winds of at least 74 miles (119 km) per hour.

Four of those are expected to become more destructive “intense” hurricanes, TSR said.

Other experts, including hurricane forecast pioneer Dr. William Gray and his team at Colorado State University, have also warned that the 2007 hurricane season is likely to be busier-than-average.

Now, we can hear from the folks who forecast weather by sticking a wet finger in the air. Or in their ear?

Posted: Thu - March 22, 2007 at 12:09 PM