The Case of the Carnivorous Cow!

When dozens of chickens went missing from a remote West Bengal village, everyone blamed the neighborhood dogs. Boy, were they wrong!

KOLKATA, India — When dozens of chickens went missing from a remote West Bengal village, everyone blamed the neighborhood dogs.

The family decided to stand guard at night on Monday at the cow shed which also served as a hen coop, after 48 chickens went missing in a month.

“Instead of the dogs, we watched in horror as the calf, whom we had fondly named Lal, sneak to the coop and grab the little ones with the precision of a jungle cat,” Gour Ghosh, his brother, said.

“The local vets said the cow was probably suffering from a disease but others said Lal was a tiger in his previous birth,” Ajit added.

You could feature him in a Chik-Fil-A commercial.

Posted: Wed - March 7, 2007 at 10:17 AM