How about a diesel-hybrid M&M?

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd is looking to enter the US market and has signed an agreement with independent distributor Global Vehicles USA Inc, a spokesman for the distributor said on Monday.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd is looking to enter the US market and has signed an agreement with independent distributor Global Vehicles USA Inc, a spokesman for the distributor said on Monday.

Mahindra plans to launch two vehicles, a pickup truck and a sports utility vehicle called the Scorpio, in the United States in 2008, said spokesman Tom Persons of Alpharetta, Georgia-based Global Vehicles.
“We are looking at pretty aggressive volumes,” Persons said, but he declined to give a specific target.

He said Global Vehicles will announce more details in mid-April.

Formed in 1945 to make Willys Jeeps in India, Mahindra has cornered nearly half the market for utility vehicles and is the world’s No 4 tractor maker. But it is among the smaller automakers in the global market.

This is a reasonably homely potato — along the lines of earlier Suzukis — but, the diesel-electric drivetrain option is intriguing.

Of course, the critter I’d like to have for shopping and errands, commuting around town is their 1/2-ton Champ Alfa.

Posted: Fri - November 24, 2006 at 08:02 AM