Aussie drunk driver attacks cops -- with a snake!

A DRUNK driver threatened two Territory police officers with a live snake after he was pulled over in Darwin at the weekend.

A drunk driver threatened two Territory police officers with a live snake after he was pulled over in Darwin at the weekend.

The driver allegedly picked up the wild snake, believed to be either a deadly western brown or a harmless water python, as it slid across the road during a random roadside breath test.

He pointed the reptile's head at the officers and threatened them, before escaping into nearby bushes, still holding the snake.

Constable Howe was with his colleague Constable Wolfgang Langeneck when they pulled over a Toyota Landcruiser, carrying five passengers, about midnight on Saturday after it was seen to be swerving along Amy Johnson Avenue.

The 17-year-old male driver was asked to step out of the car after he blew .131.

As he was being questioned about the reading, he ran on to the road and picked up the snake.

Despite endless requests by police to drop the reptile, the man failed to do so.

What's with Oz, lately? People are crazier than ever.

Meanwhile, the dude ran off into the woods. The cops are waiting for him to come home.

Posted: Wed - November 15, 2006 at 06:01 AM