Americans gullible for supernatural

It may be the season for vampires, ghosts and zombies. Just remember, they’re not real, warns physicist Costas Efthimiou. Obviously, you might say.

It may be the season for vampires, ghosts and zombies. Just remember, they’re not real, warns physicist Costas Efthimiou.

Obviously, you might say.

But Efthimiou, a professor at the University of Central Florida, points to surveys that show American gullibility for the supernatural.

More than 1 in 3 Americans believe houses can be haunted, a 2005 Gallup poll showed. More than 20 percent of Americans believe in witches and that people can communicate with the dead. TV shows such as “Medium” and “Ghost Whisperer” are popular.

University of Maryland physics professor Bob Park, author of the book “Voodoo Science,” said scientists have to keep telling the public what seems all-too-obvious.

“There are things that we need to point out that are crap,” Park said.

And Halloween? Both physicists will suspend disbelief when vampires, ghosts and zombies come to their doors.

“I give them candy and I feign fright,” Park said. “They enjoy it, what the hell. The problem is the ones that never get over it.”

I suppose I needn’t remind folks that — given temporal and secular qualifications — these superstitious dweebs get to vote. So, don’t wonder why I’m a cynic.

Posted: Fri - October 27, 2006 at 11:11 AM