She had dead spouse in the bathroom, lover in the closet

Almost 16 hours after Martha Freeman’s husband was strangled and beaten to death in the couple’s upscale south Nashville home, she finally reported his death to police. If her decision to wait was puzzling, so was the explanation she gave police.

Almost 16 hours after Martha Freeman’s husband was strangled and beaten to death in the couple’s upscale south Nashville home, she finally reported his death to police.

If her decision to wait was puzzling, so was the explanation she gave police.

Freeman claimed her lover, an illegal Mexican immigrant who was living in her closet, killed her husband.

But prosecutors dispute Martha Freeman’s version of the events that led to her husband’s April 2005 slaying. They are expected to outline their theory during opening statements in the 41-year-old widow’s upcoming murder trial.

Freeman and 36-year-old Rahael Rocha-Perez, her former lover, each are charged with first-degree murder in the husband’s violent bludgeoning. If convicted, they face life in prison.

Jury selection begins Monday afternoon in Davidson County Circuit Court.

Next time I bump into Randy Travis in the grocery store, I’ll have to hand him this one as a song suggestion

Posted: Sat - September 23, 2006 at 05:41 AM