“Auto Theft” tattoo tips police to car thief

A Canadian man’s apparent fondness for the video game “Grand Theft Auto” has led to his arrest in connection with an auto theft, police said on Wednesday.

A Canadian man’s apparent fondness for the video game “Grand Theft Auto” has led to his arrest in connection with an auto theft, police said on Wednesday.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said Shylo Kujawski — who has “Grand Theft Auto” prominently tattooed on his back — was spotted acting suspiciously in a Vancouver suburb where several stolen cars had been reported.

Using the tattoo to identify Kujawski as a convicted auto thief, police said they then set up a stakeout that nabbed him attempting drive away in a stolen car.

Police said during the stakeout they also watched Kujawski thwart his own attempt to drive away in another stolen vehicle by accidentally disabling the car with the owner’s steering wheel lock.

Kujawski, of no fixed address, has been charged with possession of stolen property in connection with an auto theft, as well as breach of probation and driving while suspended.

As I said as recently as yesterday, people don’t become career criminals because they’re bright!

Posted: Thu - September 21, 2006 at 09:23 AM