Here comes the 1906 Earthquake -- again!

USGS sets up website with Google Map to illustrate the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Maybe folks will learn something? Wanna bet?

The Northern California earthquake of April 18, 1906, commonly referred to as the “Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906″, is the most damaging earthquake in US history. San Francisco and surrounding cities were violently shaken by seismic waves produced by the magnitude 7.8 earthquake. The remarkable post-earthquake construction and renaissance of the Bay Area are important events in the history of the region. The 1906 earthquake also revealed the existence and significance of the San Andreas fault to earth scientists, who then gave birth to the science of earthquakes. This virtual tour utilizes the geographic interactive software Google Earth to explain the scientific, engineering, and human dimensions of this earthquake, so as to help you visualize and understand the causes and effects of this and future earthquakes.

Site offers Google Map views of epicenter, historic photos, the works. Pretty cool.

They also try to nudge viewers into reflecting upon the next one.

Posted: Fri - April 7, 2006 at 09:04 AM