China to adopt sex education -- American style

PATH program from the Global Health Council to model sex ed, condoms. The kind of education the White House doesn't believe in.

China’s largest non-governmental organization on reproductive health announced yesterday that it will popularize the new method to educate youngsters about sex and reproductive health nationwide, following international practices.

Education on sex and reproductive health in China was virtually “non-existent” for many years as traditionally there were cultural taboos and people rarely discussed sex publicly - to do so was even regarded as a sin.

“Chinese youth are usually baffled by all the unspoken mysteries of puberty, sex and reproductive health,” the association’s Pan Guiyu said. “Some are even threatened by venereal disease, HIV/AIDS, sexual abuse, and unsafe abortion.”

The Association and PATH, a US-based non-profit organization, have just concluded a five-year sex education pilot program in 12 municipalities and two villages in China.

The program, aimed at youngsters from 10 to 24, has adopted the established way of sex education in western countries.

Established, that is, except in the mind of the American president and that cul-de-sac of scientific bewilderment, the Bible Belt.

Posted: Thu - March 30, 2006 at 06:15 AM