Unique challenge to child support laws

Although oversimplified, this challenge parallels Roe v. Wade -- for men.

Who’s your daddy?

Men’s rights activists in the US are to argue in court that fathers do not have an obligation to pay money towards raising a child they did not want. The National Center for Men is fighting the case on a behalf of a man who says his ex-girlfriend had his child after telling him she could not get pregnant.

Activists say men should have the same rights as women in dealing with the consequences of unintended pregnancy.

[Matt] Dubay says that his former girlfriend became pregnant with his child after assuring him she had a physical condition that prevented her from conceiving. He says she went on have the baby, despite knowing that he did not want to have a child with her.

He now wants the court to free him from his obligation to pay $500 (£287) in child support every month.

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Posted: Fri - March 10, 2006 at 05:58 AM