Californians not interested in preparing for next disaster

It can't happen to me, man.

Californians believe that their state is prone to disasters, but see little motivation to prepare for nature’s crushing blows, a new poll has found.

The poll, sponsored by the Insurance Information Network of California and Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company, found that only 22 percent of Californians consider themselves to be prepared or very prepared for a disaster in their area.

Nearly half singled out “common sense” as the reason to prepare for disaster, but noted few incentives that would motivate them to be ready for future earthquakes, floods or fires. The largest segment of respondents — only 10 percent — cited a local disaster as the reason to prepare for future risk. No other possible motivation — from financial incentives to educational programs — was acknowledged by more than 9 percent of those polled.

What me worry?

Posted: Sat - March 4, 2006 at 12:35 PM