Lousy Meat Inspection Reinstates U.S. Beef Ban

Japan's prime minister says his country has halted the import of U.S. beef after an animal spine was found in a beef shipment at Tokyo International Airport.

Japan’s prime minister says his country has halted the import of U.S. beef after an animal spine was found in a beef shipment at Tokyo International Airport.

In December, Japan lifted the ban on U.S. beef, saying new safety measures would decrease the public’s risk of contamination due to BSE, or Mad Cow Disease, from American beef. Under the new regulations announced at the time, only cows younger than 20 months could be exported to Japan, and all brain, spinal cord and other material must be removed.

The incompetents managing inspection of US beef obviously can’t get it together for their most profitable export market. Are they doing any better on the meat they pass for domestic consumption?

Posted: Fri - January 20, 2006 at 06:59 AM