Heart-Healthy Compound in Chocolate Identified

An international team of scientists has pinpointed a chemical compound that is, in part, responsible, for the heart-healthy benefits of certain cocoas and some chocolate products.

“Although previous studies strongly indicated that some flavanol-rich foods, such as wine, tea and cocoa can offer cardiovascular health benefits, we have been able to demonstrate a direct relationship between the intake of certain flavanols present in cocoa, their absorption into the circulation and their effects on cardiovascular function in humans,” said UC Davis biochemist Hagen Schroeter, who co-authored the paper along with cardiologist Christian Heiss of the Heinrich-Heine University.

“The results of this study provide direct proof that epicatechin is, at least in part, responsible for the beneficial vascular effects that are observed after the consumption of certain flavanol-rich cocoas,” Schroeter said.

You’ll be hearing about this all over the map from here on out. All the chocolate biggies will be quoting the study. Correctly so.

I figured I should point out that it’s only bittersweet or dark chocolate that has significant amounts of epicatechin flavanols. The all-American favorite, milk chocolate, has negligible amounts.

Posted: Fri - January 20, 2006 at 06:01 AM