George Best dies

George Best, one of the most celebrated men ever to play professional soccer, died in London on Friday. He was 59.

George Best, one of the most celebrated men ever to play professional soccer, died in London on Friday. He was 59.

He had contracted a series of infections to which he had little immunity because of drugs used after he received a liver transplant in July 2002, a result of chronic alcoholism.

More than three decades after his last game with Manchester United, Best attracted publicity to his last breath, having apparently instructed his agent to photograph him on his deathbed and to allow a British newspaper to publish a ghastly image of him - white-bearded and sallow-skinned with medical tubes in his nose, throat and chest - as a warning to young people "not to live and die as I had done."

George, I hope we learn -- someday.

Posted: Sat - November 26, 2005 at 01:10 PM