Hurricane Survivors Update -- Channel 100 DirecTV

DIRECTV has launched a dedicated 24/7 “Hurricane Katrina Information” center on channel 100.

DIRECTV has launched a dedicated 24/7 “Hurricane Katrina Information” center on channel 100. This channel provides information on hurricane relief and recovery efforts for evacuees in shelters, as well as for DIRECTV viewers nationwide.

This information channel lets viewers send text messages to family and friends separated by the hurricane. Messages are scrolled across the bottom of the television screen. To place a message on this channel, viewers can send an e-mail message to or send a text message via their cellular phone directly to text code “48433.”

Messages from survivors and folks seeking survivors scroll across the bottom of the screen.

Information available on the Hurricane Katrina Information channel includes:
• Transportation infrastructure – road closures throughout the Gulf Coast region
• Counties/parishes in the Gulf Coast region that are able to assist evacuees
• Special needs shelters – the location and phone numbers of special needs shelters in Louisiana
• Shelter openings throughout the Gulf Coast region

Relief agency contact information, including phone numbers for the American Red Cross, The Salvation Army and Feed the Children
• Insurance company contact information

You can view and print a .pdf of all the scrolling messages.

Posted: Mon - September 5, 2005 at 08:51 AM