Woman torches house trying to kill spiders

A German woman laid waste to her family home by setting fire to it as she tried to kill spiders in a garage with a can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter.

A German woman laid waste to her family home by setting fire to it as she tried to kill spiders in a garage with a can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter.

Police in the western town of Zuelpich said that when the aerosol failed to finish them off, the 34-year-old woman tried to burn them with the lighter.

However, this set the area she had just sprayed on fire and the blaze spread to a hedge.

"She tried to put the fire out with a garden hose, but could not," he said.

"Instead her semi-detached house next to the hedge caught fire. It's now uninhabitable."

What else can you say, except --

"The spiders are gone though, that problem was solved."

Posted: Fri - September 2, 2005 at 10:11 AM