Have you tried Crocodile blood to cure your ailments?

Scientists in Australia’s tropical north are collecting blood from crocodiles in the hope of developing a powerful antibiotic for humans, after tests showed that the reptile’s immune system kills the HIV virus.

Scientists in Australia’s tropical north are collecting blood from crocodiles in the hope of developing a powerful antibiotic for humans, after tests showed that the reptile’s immune system kills the HIV virus.

The crocodile’s immune system is much more powerful than that of humans, preventing life-threatening infections after savage territorial fights which often leave the animals with gaping wounds and missing limbs.
Britton said the crocodile immune system worked differently from the human system by directly attacking bacteria immediately an infection occurred in the body.

“The crocodile has an immune system which attaches to bacteria and tears it apart and it explodes. It’s like putting a gun to the head of the bacteria and pulling the trigger,” he said.

The scientists hope to collect enough crocodile blood to isolate the powerful antibodies and eventually develop an antibiotic for use by humans.

“We may be able to have antibiotics that you take orally, potentially also antibiotics that you could run topically on wounds, say diabetic ulcer wounds; burn patients often have their skin infected and things like that,” said Merchant.

However, the crocodile’s immune system may be too powerful for humans and may need to be synthesized for human consumption.

Terrific basic scientific research -- if you range far enough afield, you still may meet yourself coming in the door with something useful. There really isn't a problem with understanding the whole world around us -- if only people would get their hangups out of the way.

Posted: Tue - August 16, 2005 at 05:13 PM