Texas Doper calls WHO?

A weedhead in San Antonio called police to report the theft of his stash!

July 26, 2005 9:12 a.m. EST

Hector Duarte Jr. - All Headline News Staff Reporter
San Antonio, TX (AHN) - A Texas man is arrested on Monday after calling the cops to complain someone had stolen his stash of marijuana.

Stephen Knight, 17, called authorities and said three men broke into his apartment, hogtied him with Christmas lights, and stole some marijuana, as well as a plasma screen television.

Police arrested Knight after finding several pot plants growing under heat lamps in his apartment, four grams of harvested marijuana, and one tablet of ecstasy.

Knight said the men stormed into his home early Monday, demanding "Where's the weed?"

Anyone think this couldn't happen in New Mexico?

Posted: Thu - August 4, 2005 at 09:53 AM