Apple warranties are great.

Wish I could say the same about my local Apple reseller.

The screen on my shiny [and relatively] new 20" iMac began acting up a weekend ago. Behaving as if a couple of flourescent segments decided to shut off.

Called Apple and rather than futz around with silly attempts at software cures for a hardware problem, they said, "Bring it in to your local Apple Store". Since that's 50 miles away, I decided on the Santa Fe Baillio's store. They're the biggest local reseller of Apple goodies; the crew in the sales dept are bright, friendly and don't throw rocks at me - because they know my "special" relationship in the industry gets me hardware deals they can't touch.

We're still friends about it all. I send them customers. We buy other goodies at the store.

So, I drop off the computer on a Monday. Calling down to their Albuquerque store [which, sadly, is where they centralize repairs, warranties] I learn the critter is completed last Thursday. Apple overnighted a new LCD screen, N/C, and was picking up the labor for the service. I should have my iMac back Friday, Saturday or Monday at the latest. Wanna bet?

Lots of phone calls. Low-level excuses in Abq. Promises of solutions and no returned phone calls from anyone in management.

This morning, the first callback I get is from Denise in the Santa Fe store - letting me know my iMac is back and ready for pickup. First and only callback I received. 9 days after dropping the critter off for warranty service. 6 days after the service is complete.

So, N/C from Apple or Baillio's. No hassles from the Santa Fe crew - no service from Baillio's management; though, the repair by the Abq service department is spot on. Kudos to them, too.

We're sitting here picking out a new refrigerator to blow our $1200 rebate when the IRS gets it here in May. I seriously doubt if we'll get it from Baillio's. Not now.

Posted: Wed - March 5, 2008 at 03:19 PM