What’s that catchy tune?

So, where will your kids end up, tonight?

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It would be unremarkable that the song “From Where You Are” by Jason Wade, a singer in the band Lifehouse, had cracked the Billboard top 100 list — except that it was written for an Allstate commercial.

Unavailable on any album, the song has received little airplay on the radio but it had wide exposure in a 60-second Allstate spot promoting the insurance company’s safe driving program for teenagers. The commercial first ran after an episode of “Friday Night Lights” on NBC in late October that had a teenage driving theme.

On Nov. 6, “From Where You Are” was made available on iTunes.

By all accounts, “From Where You Are,” a melancholy ballad inspired by Wade’s experience of having a teenage friend who died after falling asleep at the wheel, is the first commercial jingle in years to make the charts, and certainly the first to do so on the strength of Internet downloads.

Seems like an appropriate day to watch this video.

Posted: Mon - December 31, 2007 at 10:05 AM