Manchester United stars fined $2 Million

Roy Keane is my 2nd favorite crank.

Alex Ferguson when he’s not pissed-off

Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson has reportedly fined his players a total of one million pounds ($1.98m) after their pre-Christmas party ended in sordid front-page headlines.

Disciplinarian Ferguson has left his players in no doubt about who is in charge at Manchester United. Old Trafford chief Ferguson also reminded his superstars that he will not hesitate to sell any player who believes he is bigger than the Premier League club…

Ferguson has also expanded on his dislike of the celebrity lifestyle now enjoyed by many high-profile players.

He added: “What annoys me about some players today is this personal glory thing.

“They score a goal and then knock players out of the road so they can have their own private, personal gratification and praise from the fans. It’s ugly seeing these kind of celebrations.

Fans of American football are supposed to be inured to the sight of 3 lineman performing a 10-second dance after a sack - when, after all, that sack is simply what they’re paid to do. I don’t think so.

The disease of self-aggrandizement matching inflated salaries among athletes has already been noted and condemned worldwide. Nice to see someone sanction the old wallet for public stupidity.

Sir Alex is still my favorite football crank.

Posted: Sun - December 30, 2007 at 09:57 AM