Fastest speeder [in a car] in the UK - gets 10 weeks to ponder

The fastest speeding motorist ever caught in Britain was jailed for 10 weeks today.

The fastest speeding motorist ever caught in Britain was jailed for 10 weeks today after he admitted driving a Porsche at 172mph.

Tim Brady, of Harrow, north-west London, was caught in a random speed check as he drove a £98,000 3.6-litre 911 Turbo, Oxford crown court heard. Brady was also given a three-year driving ban and ordered to pay £474 costs.

“Your driving was criminally self-indulgent and utterly thoughtless of the danger you might be creating for the innocent,” Judge David Morton Jack said.

And he borrowed the car!!!

Posted: Mon - September 24, 2007 at 10:56 AM