Five diagnoses that call for a second opinion

Here are five diagnoses in which patients should seek a second opinion, according to experts.

After Marci Smith was told she had a malignant brain tumor, she had surgery and then made an appointment with an oncologist to receive chemotherapy and radiation. But Smith never kept that appointment.

A nagging voice inside her head told her to get a second opinion. In the end, that voice is the reason Smith is getting the right treatment.

Here are five diagnoses in which patients should seek a second opinion, according to experts.

1. Heart bypass surgery

“Anytime you’re considering a procedure that has a risk of dying, stroke and severe infection, you should get a second opinion.”

2. Hysterectomy

Sometimes doctors recommend surgical removal of the uterus for bleeding or pelvic pain when the uterus isn’t the problem at all.

3. Pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality

Sometimes parents choose to terminate a pregnancy when the fetus has a severe abnormality — but they should make sure they have the right diagnosis before they do it.

4. Surgery for varicose veins

There are so many different treatment options for varicose veins, it’s best to get a second opinion.

5. Treatments for brain tumors

As Smith learned, the wrong brain tumor diagnosis could lead to the wrong treatment. The diagnosis depends largely on the pathologist reading a slide — and mistakes can happen.

Read the whole article. Sensible stuff.

Posted: Fri - August 31, 2007 at 07:58 AM