ESPN buys world’s biggest cricket website. Sports actually happen outside the U.S.. Who knew?

Walt Disney Co’s sports network ESPN is buying cricinfo, the world’s largest specialist cricket Web site.

Walt Disney Co’s sports network ESPN is buying cricinfo, the world’s largest specialist cricket Web site, as it expands beyond its traditional strengths of American football, basketball, baseball and Nascar.

“We don’t think of ourselves as an American sports television company. We think of ourselves as a large sports and media entertainment company that operates around the world,” Russell Wolff, ESPN International executive vice president and managing director told Reuters.

The Bangalore-based Web site was founded in 1993 and has more than 7 million monthly users.

We nudged into this area of discussion - just a wee bit, this weekend - with my post about Lewis Hamilton’s F1 victory in Canada.

I grew up with the basic set of American sports - I played the Big 3 - and even as a kid I hung out at the local quarter-mile dirt track. But, growing into knowledge that looks beyond parochial and national limits isn’t restricted to intellectual pursuits.

So, I’ve slept alongside the Mulsanne Straight at LeMans, had my introduction to “proper” football at an Auld Firm Derby in Glasgow. Getting your brain around new formations of athletic coordination is no less useful than opening a book by an author you’ve never read before.

Posted: Mon - June 11, 2007 at 01:07 PM