Testing a new CF card

Folks who’ve spent time in the Southwest will see no surprises, here. I live in northern New Mexico. Just a couple of photos from my morning walk with the dogs.

Folks who’ve spent time in the Southwest will see no surprises, here. I live in northern New Mexico. Just a couple of photos from my morning walk with the dogs.

We had decent snowpack, this winter = happy yucca.

I’ve been using an Olympus C5050Z for several years. It came with the typical miniscule Compact Flash card and I bought one of the first CF 1gb hard drives. At the time, it was a deal around $200.

Ordering a cordless VOIP phone, this week, it occurred to me to check out a solid state CF card - since they’re now common. The hard drive card has served me well; but, I’m always concerned by the extremes of heat and cold you bump into at this altitude.

Cripes! A Kingston 1gb CF card was $20. I added one to the order and shot my 1st test shots, this morning.

Recording time same as the hard drive. Looks like the camera firmware rules.

In another month, we’re back to brown

We caught just enough rain in May to kick off the Prairie Feathergrass. This is about 2 feet tall in our back meadow, right now. It will add another foot in height in the next week before setting seed.

Posted: Thu - May 31, 2007 at 11:11 AM