Sorry for the absence...

This blog was among the missing for the past 48 hours.

This blog was among the missing for the past 48 hours. My bad.

I foolishly decided to beta test a new version of the software I use to publish this blog. My posts have continued to appear at Dvorak Uncensored and in the online edition of the New Mexican newspaper - but, this blog, which collects pretty much everything I have posted, couldn't be updated.

Details aren't needed. I've reinstalled the "old" version. I had to reinstall an older version of Javascript within it's descriptive walls to make it work. I'm playing catch-up in the wee hours, this morning.

I'll either wait for a for-real version of iBlog - or experiment with a replacement like iWeb.

I apologize for the absence.

Posted: Wed - May 2, 2007 at 04:01 AM