Did you need one of these, this morning?

Clocky is finally up and running. The alarm is evading drowsy owners reaching over to try to shut it off and go back to sleep.

Clocky — the runaway alarm clock

Clocky is finally up and running. The alarm is evading drowsy owners reaching over to try to shut it off and go back to sleep.

Clocky’s inventor, Gauri Nanda, who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology last year, said she hoped that the small debut last week — only “a couple of thousand” were shipped, she said — marked the start of a big business.

Clocky had a makeover since Nanda’s initial conception. The model that was shipped is rounder and made of plastic; its dial and buttons are arranged to resemble a face, and it comes in colors like cream and aqua. It sells for $49.99, plus shipping and handling. (For those who prefer the original design, Nanda is selling shag coverings as accessories.)

The clock has a built-in microprocessor that randomly programs its runaway speed and routes.

I have to admit I love the idea that you have to get out of bed and chase the damned thing around the room until you can catch it and turn it off!

Posted: Thu - December 28, 2006 at 07:09 AM