FIFA gets backbone over racism

FIFA's programmatic approach to opposing racism in sport in recent years has been fine -- as far as it goes. There's been nothing in place to deal with clubs, management and fans who didn't take the lessons to heart. Till now.

England’s last World Cup team — if English bigots had their way.

According to the statement released by FIFA on Thursday, clubs whose supporters commit “acts of racism or discrimination in football” will now face sanctions ranging from match suspensions and the deduction of points to relegation or elimination from competitions.

“This is part of the disciplinary code of FIFA,” Blatter said when asked about possible implementation during the World Cup. “It will be handled by the disciplinary committee — so now they have the instrument and they have to apply it.”

Blatter insisted that stricter anti-racism regulations were long overdue and said there was no excuse for associations to drag their heels.

Even associations like the English FA which has done a damned good job opposing racism at the level of the Premier League needs to pay attention to racist behavior in the lower echelons.

Blatter stated, “I said 20 years ago that we had this problem with hooliganism and at the time the community of football stood there and said we should do something but we had no instrument.

“Now we have given them the instrument and regulations to deal with this problem.

“I do not agree (that more time will be needed). This has been an emergency decision in an emergency situation.”

In recent months, racist incidents in Spain and elsewhere have met with mild wrist-slapping from national football associations. Ongoing fascist resurgence in Italy continues to feed on bigotry — and the Italian association’s response was to order one “educational” gathering between offending players and holocaust survivors.

Taking points away from club standings for the first two offenses and mandating relegation for a third — hits a club where it hurts the most. In the wallet. Hopefully, sufficient motivation for sincere efforts by supporters and clubs to stand up for decency.

Posted: Sat - March 18, 2006 at 01:54 PM