White Anti-Gay Group to Harass King Funeral

Adding insult to injury, Westboro Baptist Church, led by anti-gay extremist Fred Phelps, is planning a protest at Coretta Scott King's funeral at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church on Tuesday, February 7 at 12 noon.

Selma, Alabama, 1965

With the discussions we’ve had, lately, on religious fanatics in other parts of the world — and Mrs. King’s funeral just a few days away — I thought I’d link to a brief reflection on the conjunction of those themes at Jasmyne Cannick’s blog.

Adding insult to injury, Westboro Baptist Church, led by anti-gay extremist Fred Phelps, is planning a protest at Coretta Scott King’s funeral at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church on Tuesday, February 7 at 12 noon.

WBC said “for more than 10 years that by endorsing the homosexual agenda she was brining down the wrath of God upon herself, her family and the black civil rights movement. She is an ingrate-unthankful and unholy.”

Nutcases like this exist on the fringe of our society. In some dark, fetid places, they’re given credence and support. Hopefully, they’ll never achieve anything comparable to their peers elsewhere on this planet.

Thanks, Pat.

Posted: Sun - February 5, 2006 at 07:34 AM