Let’s check out what’s selling for Xmas -- among the faithful

Religious books, family Bibles, DVDs, paintings, lawn signs and Advent wreaths are among the best selling Christmas gifts.

"Family Bibles have been a huge thing (this Christmas)," said Roger Lamoureux, manager of Universal Church Supplies. "I've sold 15 family Bibles this week and they are all presents; somebody is buying it for a family." A family Bible may cost between $60 and $100 at Universal, depending on size and translation.
The Christ is Christmas lawn signs designed by the Knights of Columbus are also going fast at Universal. "They are selling so fast we can't keep them in stock; they disappear the day they come in," noted Lamoureux. "Instead of putting up a Conservative sign or a Liberal sign [there is an election in progress in Canada], people want to put up a Jesus sign because Christ is Christmas."
Heading the list at St. John of God is "Catholicism for Dummies".


Posted: Wed - December 21, 2005 at 08:32 AM