Streak Version 1.0 Search and Replace utility for Newton Public Release: March 12th, 1997 Internal Release: June 21st, 1996 You may freely distribute this package only if this text file in it's entire content is inlcuded. Using Streak: 1. Enter the word you wish to find in the find field 2. Enter the word you wish to replace it with in the replace field Alternatively you can "grab" the word from the text your checking by using the = buttons next to the entry fields. The = will "grab" words in which the cursor is present, or hilited. If you grab the words from the area you are streak-ing through, you can skip the next step: 3. Select the area to streak through. To do this, tap your cursor in the text you wish to streak through, and press the = button next to the FIND/NEXT. You will see the block hilite briefly to notify you that Streak recognizes it as text. 4. Next press the FIND/NEXT button. This button reads FIND when it is at the beginning of the streak area, and NEXT when it is has already found at least 1 word. 5. You can then choose to REPLACE the word by pressing the REPLACE button. Or you can choose to REPLACE ALL words by pressing the REPLACE ALL button. Note that REPLACE ALL button only works from the last position you had streaked too. If you have any questions, find any bugs, or have some simple suggestions, please email us at All standard disclaimers apply. Sine of the Times provides you with use of this product on an "as-is" basis, which you are implicitly accepting on use of this package. We will not be held responsible for spelling mistakes, or other tragic occurences to your text. Sine of the Times Innovation is our Passion