Soup Transport

With the Soup Transport application you can send soups, the Newton equivalent to files, using email or beam. If you have other transports installed, possibly you can make use of them too.

Soup Transport

Select the desired soup first. Below the table the number of entries (records) and there size will be displayed.

To send the soup, please choose the appropriate action from the action picker.

On the receiver site the data resides in the InBox until you choose to put it away by tapping the Put Away button. Because it is possible that the soup and/or some entries already exists you can choose what to do in such cases.

Put Away Options

Firstly you have to select the store where the soup should be stored. You do this by tapping the desired store in the list.

Secondly you must decide what is to do if the soup already exists. You can choose to abort the whole operation, append the new data to the existing soup or replace the entire soup. The default after installing Soup Transport is 'Abort'. Soup Transport will remember you last setting over the time.

At last you have to decide what to do with an entry which have an ID that already exists in the destination soup. You can leave out the entry, assign a new ID to that entry or you can replace the existing entry with the new one. The default after installing Soup Transport is 'Leave out'. Soup Transport will remember you last setting over the time for that too.

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Before you have registered Soup Transport the program will run for 7 days only.

How to Register?


Copyright © 1998 Holger Müller
