============================================== Dvorak 2.0 Last Update: July 2, 1997 Copyright 1997 Foundation Systems and Adam Tow ============================================== ============ About Dvorak ============ Dvorak is a free extension that adds 2 Dvorak keyboard layouts to your Newton. Now your virtual and external keyboards can be used in the Dvorak layout for faster and more comfortable data entry! ========================= What's new in Dvorak 2.0? ========================= o Added a popular variant of the Dvorak keyboard layout that repositions keys such as '[',']', and '+'. Dvorak 2.0 =================== System Requirements =================== Dvorak requires Newton OS 2.x and 5K of storage space. ================= Installing Dvorak ================= Dvorak is installed like any Newton package, using the Newton Backup Utility (NBU), the Newton Connection Utilities (NCU), or any third-party package downloading utility. o Dvorak: Extensions Icons folder in Extras. ============ Using Dvorak ============ Open Extras->Prefs->Locale->Keyboard and choose Dvorak to change your keyboard layout to the Dvorak style. Users can change to a popular variant of the Dvorak keyboard layout by choosing, "Dvorak II" from the keyboard popup. ======================== Pricing and Availability ======================== Dvorak is FREE for the Newton community. Enjoy! You can always find the latest version of Dvorak at Foundation System's website: http://www.tow.com/ ============= Contacting us ============= At Foundation Systems, your opinion is very important. We can't always create perfect applications, but, with your help, perhaps we can get as close to perfection as possible. So, if you have any comments or suggestions on any of our products, feel free to contact us at: mailto:support@tow.com http://www.tow.com/