ButtonPkg 1.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ButtonPkg 1.2 is a collection of 9 buttons with different purposes. The buttons can be installed separately by downloading only the desired packages to your Newton. After installation the buttons show up on the Newton where they are ment to act. The buttons are picture buttons, which look nicer and take up less space than text buttons. Several of the buttons will appear in your backdrop application, but only if it supports Auxiliary Buttons. Notepad and Names for instance do. I will add more buttons to the package along the road. Keep an eye on my home page... What's in the Package? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SignatureButton* adds a button to the status bar in Notepad. Pressing the button inserts your signature from the Owner Info application. If your Newton has more than one owner a popup menu is displayed first, allowing you to select the desired signature. This is for instance usefull if your want your signature on a fax. *BacklightButton* adds a button to your backdrop application allowing you to toggle the backlight on Newton devices with this option (currently only the MP130). Using this button reduces wear and tear of the power switch. The button at the same time shows the backlighting state as a lightbulb being on or off. *ConnectionButton* adds a button to your backdrop application. When you press the button the Connection application opens directly. *IOButton* is added to your backdrop application. When you tab the button the In/Out Box application opens. *CalcButton* adds a button to your backdrop application. Makes it fast and easy to open the Calculator. *StyleBytton* adds a button to Notepad. Pressing the button opens the Styles palette directly from Notepad freeing you from the annoying steps through the Extras Drawer. *RotateButton* adds a button to your backdrop application. Pressing the button makes the screen totate. *DatesButton* overrides the built-in behavior of the silk-screen Dates button. Pressing the button opens Notepad instead of Dates. If Notepad is already in front, however, Dates is opened. (This is especially useful if Dates is your backdrop application). *NotesButton* adds a button to the backdrop application for easy Notepad access. After the introduction of Newton 2.0 Notepad isn't necessarily your backdrop application and may consequently be lengthy to open from within the Extras Drawer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ButtonPkg is freeware and runs only on Newton 2.0. Download it, try it, and give it to your Newton friends. Have fun! Joachim Bondo Schultz September 26, 1996 jobs@inet.uni-c.dk http://inet.uni-c.dk/~jobs/newton.html