Describe PFB

PFB (Pico, Fermi, Bagels) is a number guessing game, similar to MasterMind or Jotto. For each guess, you will be told:


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If Allow Zero = checked, Digits = 3, and PFB's number = 029

  1. 376 Bagels (no digits correct)
  2. 914 Pico (1 digit correct but in wrong place)
  3. 820 Fermi Pico (2 digits correct, but 1 in wrong place)
  4. . . .
  5. 092 Fermi Pico Pico (all digits correct, 2 in wrong places)
  6. 029 Fermi Fermi Fermi (win; sound)

PFB Versions

PFB is similar in concept and strategy to MasterMind and Jotto (but PFB does not allow duplicate digits). After I first saw "Pico Fermi Bagels" (PFB) as a Basic program at the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley in the early '70s, I wrote several Logo versions. My kids convinced me it was easier to remember "Fermi" by "firm" (though some programs may reverse roles of Fermi and Pico).

Version 1.4 (26 Mar 1998)

Distribute PFB

PFB is postcardware*. PFB may be distributed freely as long as all of the files are included and unmodified. You are free to make modifications for your own use.

*Dedicated to Kristina and Ellie -- send email to and, or postcards or other valuable tokens of appreciation (address in "Contact Author").

© 1993-98, S. Weyer. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Modify PFB

If you would like to construct and modify PFB directly on your Newton, obtain the latest shareware versions of

NewtDevEnv (aka "Newt")
an environment for developing applications and saving as packages directly on your Newton
a text/data transfer utility

See implementation information in picoferm.txt

Contact Author

Steve Weyer
17 Timber Knoll Drive
Washington Crossing, PA 18977-1052
America Online, Compuserve: SteveWeyer