bitsound.txt 31 Jan 96 S. Weyer BitSound is a simple application to display graphics (bitmaps/PICTs) and play sounds from the ROM or soups. Copyright 1994-96. S. Weyer. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. This is a freeware, however, it is available only via my web page ( and cannot be redistributed. If you are interested in having access to newer versions, register for Newt's Cape, Newt Development Environment, or Slurpee. (Newt users also receive source code). Problems in current version that will be fixed (eventually): - BitSound does not currently find the Icons:BenG soup from Icon Editor since he uses a different slot (icon) When BitSound starts up, it currently looks for soups that have entries with {name: , bitmap: } for graphics, {name: , sound: } for sounds. name: contains a symbol (or string); bitmap: contains a bitmap frame or PICT binary object; sound: contains a sound frame These soups (along with ROM) appear in "graphics" and "sounds" pickers. Pick ROM or soupname and entries appear. UNDOC lists additional ROM entries that are undocumented. Note: since name is treated as unique, duplicate entries are a problem. To eliminate duplicate entries, use a soup utility like StewPot, or prevent them initially by using REPLACE!name in your Slurpee files (Slurpee 1.7 or later). You can transfer/convert graphics and sounds as text files from your desktop with Slurpee; you create these files either by copying/pasting hex strings from ResEdit(Mac), or using Newt's Cape Graphic Converter (Mac or Windows) [available to registered users of Newt's Cape]. For pointers to these tools, see Scroll the list by using a vertical line "|" gesture (scrolling direction same as line, scrolling amount proportional to length). Remove a selected item (except ROM & UNDOC) from list and soup with scrub "wv" gesture -- a confirmation dialog appears. If you are a registered user of the Newt Development Environment, you will have a plug-in (misccnst.pkg) that defines names for the ROM constants. If you are a Newt's Cape user and want to use some of these constants in your documents (books), here is a list of the expressions that correspond to the ROM names in BitSound (for 1.x ROMs) [you would enclose plain @xx expressions with " also]. Graphics (ROM) ----- ROM_cloud1: @53, ROM_cloud2: @54, ROM_cloud3: @55, ROM_cancelbitmap: @311, ROM_routingbitmap: @312, ROM_bootlogobitmap: @320, ROM_worldmapbitmap: @321, ROM_phonebitmap: @322, ROM_upbitmap: @323, ROM_downbitmap: @324, ROM_leftbitmap: @325, ROM_rightbitmap: @326, ROM_uparrowbitmap: @327, ROM_downarrowbitmap: @328, ROM_overviewbitmap: @329, ROM_globebitmap: @330, ROM_keycapsbitmap: @331, ROM_keybuttbitmap: @332, ROM_calculatorbitmap: @333, ROM_goawaybitmap: @334, ROM_palettebitmap: @335, ROM_inboxbitmap: @336, ROM_outboxbitmap: @337, ROM_dockerbitmap: @338, ROM_wizardbitmap: @339, ROM_ntpbitmap: @340, ROM_clipbitmap: @341, ROM_markupbitmap: @342, ROM_nomarkupbitmap: @343, ROM_bookmarkbitmap: @344, ROM_actionbitmap: @345, ROM_onlinebitmap: @346, ROM_cardbitmap: @347, ROM_dailybitmap: @348, ROM_a2zbitmap: @349, ROM_zero2ninebitmap: @350, ROM_bookbitmap: @351, ROM_switchbitmap: @352, Sounds (ROM) ----- ROM_alarmwakeup: @4, ROM_bootsound: @16, ROM_click: @51, ROM_crumple: @62, ROM_drawerclose: @76, ROM_draweropen: @77, ROM_flip: @85, ROM_funbeep: @102, ROM_hilitesound: @110, ROM_plinkbeep: @150, ROM_simplebeep: @262, ROM_wakeupbeep: @289, ROM_plunk: @313, ROM_poof: @314, ROM_dialtones00: "@68[0]", ROM_dialtones01: "@68[1]", ROM_dialtones02: "@68[2]", ROM_dialtones03: "@68[3]", ROM_dialtones04: "@68[4]", ROM_dialtones05: "@68[5]", ROM_dialtones06: "@68[6]", ROM_dialtones07: "@68[7]", ROM_dialtones08: "@68[8]", ROM_dialtones09: "@68[9]", ROM_dialtones10: "@68[10]", ROM_dialtones11: "@68[11]", KeyboardSound: "@188.keySound",