Name = AVISBACK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:AVISBACK Size: 23K Date: 6/02/98 Description: Avi's Backdrop 1.17 - For those unfamiliar with the concept of a backdrop, there is a program running at all times on your Newton. By default, this is the Note Pad. Since most people don't take notes all the time and the Note Pad is a fairly big resource hog, many people like to make a different program their backdrop. A whole category of Newton programs has sprung up, in fact--programs designed to be nothing but the backdrop. Avi's Backdrop is one of them. Requirements - A Newton device with Newton OS 2.1 or greater. (That means a MessagePad 2000, 2100, or eMate. It's been tested on a MessagePad 2000 only. There shouldn't be any problems with any others, though.) Name = COUNTRIE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:COUNTRIE Size: 23K Date: 5/27/98 Description: Countries 1.01 - is an extension to the preferences roll. After installing you can change the countries existing in the Newton OS. And of course you can add new countries too. Countries costs only $10. Name = NEWTNOTE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NEWTNOTE Size: 5K Date: 5/26/98 Description: NewtNotes HyperLink Manager 1.0 - is a small extensions that allows HyperLinking of NewtNotes entries into HyperNewt. NewtNotes is a program from Catamount Software that allows you to store bibliography references on your Newton. Name = IOSELECT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:IOSELECT Size: 4K Date: 5/19/98 Description: IOSelect 1.1 - this little extension will add a 'All' button to the InOut Box. So you can select all displayed items with one tap. The most other builtin Newton applications have such a function, for the InOut Box it was probably forgotten. Works now on MP120 with system 2.0 too. Compatible with SysPatch from Richard Li. Name = SBMSERVI Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SBMSERVI Size: 88K Date: 5/18/98 Description: SBM Services-3.0 - modify email services, credit card types, pager types and phone types. Define one of the items as the default one. Manage several telephone providers (Shareware $15). Manage several telephone providers. Automatically select the cheapest provider for a given connection. Fully integrated in the Newton user interface. Requires NOS 2.x. Name = HYPERNEW Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HYPERNEW Size:287K Date: 5/11/98 Description: HyperNewt 2.61 - is a revolutionary new way to create and organize data on your Newton. Its intuitive interface, flexible data management controls, and powerful linking capabilities make HyperNewt your Newtons new window to information. If you are new to the Newton, you will find HyperNewt easy to learn and use. HyperNewt leverages on the built-in filing system of the Newton by adding a familiar file and folder metaphor. HyperLinks are similar to aliases or shortcuts on your desktop computer. If you are an experienced Newton user, HyperNewt will change your relationship with data on your Newton. HyperNewt leverages on the Newtons data architecture, allowing access to virtually all types of data through HyperLinks, and... Name = 61MEMORY Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:61MEMORY Size: 5K Date: 5/11/98 Description: 61 Memory Fix 1.0 - is a backdrop button to work around the -10061 memory problem 4 Meg Newton devices face. The Fix is already built into Avi's Backdrop, so if you've got Avi's Backdrop, you don't need this. Name = EDSELECT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:EDSELECT Size: 4K Date: 5/10/98 Description: EDSelect 2.0 - this little extension will add a 'All' button to the Extras Drawer. So you can select all displayed items with one tap. The most other builtin Newton applications have such a function, for the Extras Drawer it was probably forgotten. EDSelect is freeware. Name = DTMF2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DTMF2 Size: 20K Date: 5/10/98 Description: DTMF Settings 2.0 - is an extension to the preferences roll. After installing you can change the volume and the speed of the touch tone dialing using the speaker of your Newton. DTMF Settings costs only $10. Before registering the DTMF Settings application will not save changes. Name = WRITEHER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WRITEHER Size:258K Date: 5/08/98 Description: WriteHere 2.01 - is a complete Handwriting Recognition (HWR) and Text Editing solution for your Newton! WriteHere provides superior HWR and powerful text editing tools to get your work done faster and more efficiently in any application that supports text input, from the NewtonWorks word processor to the Notepad! Name = SPELLBOX Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SPELLBOX Size: 11K Date: 5/06/98 Description: SpellBox 1.2 - In the Newton OS 2.1 there is a spelling checker. It's most famous for its appearance in the NewtWorks word processor, although there are several third-party product which bring spell-checking to other places in the Newton. Until now, there was no way to quickly look up a word in the dictionary, though. Either you typed it in the word processor or spell-checked it, or scribbled it in the Notepad and used a third-party solution. Both ways are inconvenient. SpellBox ends that madness. You can quickly look up words in the built-in dictionary and look at alternative spellings. Requirements - A Newton device with Newton OS 2.1 or greater. (That means a MessagePad 2000, 2100, or eMate. It's been tested on... Name = DINOCRY1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DINOCRY1 Size: 56K Date: 5/04/98 Description: DinoCrypt 1.0 - erlaubt Ihnen, Texte auf Ihrem Newton zu verschlsseln. So haben Sie die Mglichkeit geheime Daten zu verstecken. Der verschlsselte Text kann nicht einfach mit einem Soup Tool gelesen werden, wie bei hnlichen Programmen. Der verschlsselte Text bleibt am gleichen Ort gespeichert, wie das Original. eMail: / HomePage: Name = DINOCRYP Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DINOCRYP Size: 29K Date: 5/04/98 Description: DinoCrypt 1.0 - allows you to en- and decrypt any text stored on your Newton. For example it allows you to hide important numbers. Encrypted text can't be read with a Soup tool. The encrypted text is stored at the same place as your original text. eMail: / HomePage: Name = ADDRESSA Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ADDRESSA Size:125K Date: 4/27/98 Description: AddressAccess 2.01 - supplies an easy and efficient interface to the contacts stored in your Newton - no more using the slow overview function to find a person's address or phone number. AddressAccess V2.0 has been partially redesigned for improved OS2.x support. If you still use Newton OS1.x then please install AddressAccess 1.62.This is the German version. Name = ADDRESS2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ADDRESS2 Size:122K Date: 4/27/98 Description: AddressAccess 2.01 - supplies an easy and efficient interface to the contacts stored in your Newton - no more using the slow overview function to find a person's address or phone number. AddressAccess V2.0 has been partially redesigned for improved OS2.x support. If you still use Newton OS1.x then please install AddressAccess 1.62. Name = VOICEMON Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:VOICEMON Size: 22K Date: 4/21/98 Description: VoiceMonitor 1.0.0 - adjust your microphone level with VoiceMonitor. MP2000/2100 has recording ability and Notepad has new stationary called Recording. So you can use your Newton as a Voice Recorder. This is very useful to record conversations while meetings. But after that, you may find Microphone level is too low and you can not hear at all. Here is the solution. You can see the Voice Level and Adjust it ! Works on Newton OS2.1, you can see the Voice Wave in the window. Adjust Microphone Gain and fit the Wave in the window. Name = OPTIONS3 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:OPTIONS3 Size: 10K Date: 4/16/98 Description: Options 3.1 - After installing this little application, you can change some undocumented options - like freeze - on Newton 2.x systems. After installing you can find Options in the extras folder Setup by tapping Preferences. Activate Freezing With this feature of the Newton 2.x system you can have applications loaded on your Newton device but not activated. Undo-Redo instead of Undo-Undo. This is what happens when you tap the Undo-Button. Close Extras always. Uncheck if you don't like that. Correction info of the last x words. Here you can define the amount of words the Newton OS will save correction info for. On devices with small heap this value can be set smaller, on devices with large heap... Name = SOUNDOFF Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SOUNDOFF Size: 29K Date: 4/14/98 Description: Sound Off! 1.3 - Link sounds to actions and events. Sound Off! for the Newton is an application that allows you to link sounds to various actions and events. Link sounds to various actions and events. Choose from almost 20 actions and events. Adjust individual sound volumes. Includes Help Book. NewtonID aware but not required. Easy to use. Sound Off! is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 or eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. Name = WORKSBET Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WORKSBET Size:150K Date: 4/11/98 Description: Works Better 1.28 - an enhancement for Newton Works. It adds many new features to the Newtons basic word processor, including headers/footers, columns, and complete style options. It also includes a handwriting recognition feature, so you can write or type text into Newton Works. Requires Newton Running 2.1 OS. Name = MOREFOLD Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:MOREFOLD Size: 58K Date: 4/11/98 Description: More Folders 4.0 - speeds up filing on the Newton by reducing the number of taps it takes to file an item. It also gives you an unlimited number of folders for each application. It also allows you to have hierarchical folders, that is, folders within other folders. This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Name = SPELLMAN Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SPELLMAN Size: 36K Date: 3/13/98 Description: SpellMan 1.04 - This software is for MessagePad 2000s ONLY. SpellMan is a spell checker for use on the MessagePad 2000. Name = SCROLLM1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SCROLLM1 Size: 18K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Scroll Menus 3.3 - This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Scroll Menus makes all popup menus scroll by a full page at a time, rather than line-by-line. Name = PROTEKTO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PROTEKTO Size: 43K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Protektor 1.11 - allows you to password-protekt individual applications and folders of your Newton, with a simple interface. Protektor is shareware, with a built-in 30 day demo period, and costs $29.95. Name = HEAPSAVE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HEAPSAVE Size: 30K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Heap Saver 1.07 - This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Heap Saver frees up to 20K of heap on your Newton by removing unnecessary objects from your Newton. Name = HEAPCHEC Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HEAPCHEC Size: 12K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Heap Check 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.x Newtons ONLY. Heap Check gives you a small floating window which displays the available heap. Tapping on this window will perform a garbage collection and then update the heap display. Name = FREEZEMA Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FREEZEMA Size:103K Date: 3/13/98 Description: FreezeMan - for the Newton OS. Just like our freeze utilities program, this program is designed to save heap space on your Newton by freezing any applications that arent in use. Freeze Utilities stops there, while FreezeMan contains several functions to make freezing faster and more connivent. It allows you to freeze or thaw many icons at once, and it groups icons, so that if one is frozen or thawed, they all are. This is especially useful for large application with multiple parts that all need to be active to be used. Name = BACKDROP Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BACKDROP Size:114K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Backdrop Plus 1.892 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Backdrop Plus is an alternative to the NotePad as the backdrop, or background, application for the Newton. With the NotePad closed, you save as much as 10k in heap. This means that you can have more extensions and applications loaded at once, and you will get fewer memory-related problems and restarts. Each loaded application or extension takes up a small amount of heap. Since the NotePad is not used all the time, closing it when not used means there's more heap available the rest of the time. You should usually try to keep your heap above 35-40k after a restart (it will drop lower as you use your Newton. This is normal.) Name = APPMAN1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:APPMAN1 Size: 27K Date: 3/13/98 Description: AppMan 1.11 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. AppMan is similar to the Application menu on a Macintosh. It places a small button in the corner of your Newton which, when tapped, pops up a list of all running applications, as well as three frequently access apps (Notes, Styles, and Connection). Name = PROOFREA Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PROOFREA Size: 10K Date: 3/10/98 Description: ProofRead 1.1 - is a search and replace utility for the Newton. ProofRead requires the Newton 2.0 OS. Name = STYLES2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:STYLES2 Size: 13K Date: 3/09/98 Description: Styles+ 2.4 - is an enhancement to your Newton's built-in style palette. With Styles+, you have access to Bold, Italic, Underline, Outline, Superscript and Subscript! Apply one or all of them to selected text! You can change the size of any text from 9 to 72 points! Styles+ gives you access to the Newton's system font, Espy! Styles+ also gives you select all and select paragraph commands. Styles+, what the Newton's built-in style palette should have been! Styles+ is free to use by the entire Newton Community! Name = EDICT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:EDICT Size:2052K Date: 2/26/98 Description: JEDict - is a Japanese-English dictionary (EDICT) module for CLex. The dictionary is a Romaji indexed Japanese-English dictionary. You should follow the usual Hepburn transcription to look up Japanese words. The only exception is that the long vowel is retained with corresponding 'a','u', and 'o'. Requires Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Japanese font in unicode format. Name = JDDICT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:JDDICT Size:384K Date: 2/26/98 Description: JDDict - is a Japanese-German dictionary module for CLex. I ported the freely available data to Newton. The dictionary is a Romaji indexed Japanese-German dictionary. You should follow the usual Hepburn transcription to look up Japanese words. The only exception is that the long vowel is retained with corresponding 'a','u', and 'o'. A Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Japanese/Chinese font in unicode format. Name = ECDICT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ECDICT Size:118K Date: 2/26/98 Description: ECDict - is a English-Chinese dictionary module for CLex. Requires a Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Chinese font in unicode format. CLex dictionary engine. CLex is a shareware multilingual dictionary engine. Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese and other script systems. There is a built-in memo so that you can put a new word in the memo for your later peruse. You can also look up a word online by selecting the word or simply place the caret under the word you want to look up. A TapBar button is also included so that you can have access to CLex almost everywhere at any time. Name = CLEX Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CLEX Size: 26K Date: 2/26/98 Description: CLex - is a multilingual dictionary engine. Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese and other script systems. There is a built-in memo so that you can put a new word in the memo for your later peruse. You can also look up a word online by selecting the word or simply place the cursor under the word you want to look up. A TapBar button is also included so that you can have access to CLex almost everywhere at any time. CLex is shareware. Name = SPELLWOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SPELLWOR Size: 69K Date: 2/17/98 Description: SpellWorks 1.0 - is an enhancement to the NewtWorks word processing application for the Newton. SpellWorks has an interactive spell checker that notifies you of misspelled words as you type. In addition, SpellWorks has an auto-expansion feature that lets you enter text in only a few keystrokes. SpellWorks is made free by Foundation Systems for the entire Newton community. Name = BARKEEP1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BARKEEP1 Size: 29K Date: 2/15/98 Description: BarKeep 1.03 - is an extension for the Newton MessagePad 2000 which allows you to customize the location and appearance of the soft button bar. Key features include the ability to: Store more icons by adjusting the space between icons. Store more icons by turning off text labels. Customize the button bar with different settings for each screen orientation: Button bar location (all four sides allowed), Button bar width, Location of scroll/overview controls, orientation of scroll/overview controls. Name = PPATCH1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PPATCH1 Size: 9K Date: 2/08/98 Description: PPatch-1.01 - changes the prefs for your scrolling window. Requires NOS 2.x . Name = ROUTETOW Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ROUTETOW Size: 45K Date: 2/02/98 Description: Route To Works 1.0 - is a tool to let you dump text straight from any application which supports Email into either the NewtWorks word processor or the Notepad. If a Newton does not have NewtWorks installed, the only option will be to dump text into the Notepad. Name = WRITERSK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WRITERSK Size: 10K Date: 1/09/98 Description: Writers Keyboard 1.0 - is a Newton 2.0 Package which replaces the standard Typewriter Keyboard with one which is meant to be called upon while you are composing lengthy notes/emails. Name = IFFOUND1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:IFFOUND1 Size: 9K Date: 1/09/98 Description: If Found 1.0 -This is a simple utility that may help retrieve your Newton if you ever lose it. When you turn on the Newton, it will display a screen which has your contact information. It also serves as a launching pad to get to various built-in Applications on the Newton. From the screen which comes up, you can access your Notes, Names, Dates, Extras, Prefs, and Clock. To get past this intro screen and back to what you were working on before, you simply tap anywhere on the screen, or hit a key on your keyboard. This is NOT prevent anyone from accessing your Newton data. If you are looking for a security/password program to prevent unauthorized access.... this isn't it. Name = BANZAIRE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BANZAIRE Size: 25K Date: 1/08/98 Description: Banzai Reader - newton freeware package, demonstrating continuous sliding or slider zooming of images from newton press. Install the two enclosed packages. You simply select DemoNp from left diamond (BookPicker) popup menu and 0 or 1 from right diamond (PicturePicker) popup, then drag the image around or use slider in lower-right-hand corner to zoom about last penned point. I've included crosshairs to show you the last pen position where the zoom is about. This helps the eye keep track of where you are in the image of a map or a book page. By Paul M. Sheldon Name = WORKSMER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WORKSMER Size: 50K Date: 1/05/98 Description: Works: Merge 1.0 - is a Mail Merge tool for the Works application. To use Works: Merge, you first compose a letter as normal. In place of a person's name or address you need to insert a place holder. To insert a place holder, tap on the Tools button in Works and select Merge Toolbar. A small window will open with a list of buttons. Position the caret where you'd like to insert the item, and tap the desired button. It will have curly braces around it, this is how Works: Merge performs it's replace operations. You can manipulate any other text, but to not change either the brackets or the text, unless it's to delete them. If you do change them, Works: Merge will not replace them with the desired data when... Name = PAPERLIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PAPERLIN Size: 35K Date:12/23/97 Description: Paper Lines 1.0 - automatically adjusts the lines in the NotePad so that they align with the text, no matter what font size you are using. You can also choose to have no lines in lists. Requires NOS 2.x. Shareware $10.00. Name = UNITRANS Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:UNITRANS Size: 23K Date:12/09/97 Description: UniTrans 1.0 - This is a Universal Encoding Translater, named UniTrans. It will change the encoding scheme on the Note of Notes. You can export or import the document to or from Mac via Newton Connection Utilities 1.0. This is very useful for Chinese and Japanese Newton users. This package only for Newton OS 2.0 or later. Before you using UniTrans, you should install concerned NTEncoding module first. There are Traditional Chinese and Japanese NTEncoding modules on the net. You can get more information about Traditional Chinese NTEncoding module from my web page, or surf GNUE's web page (in Japanese) for more information about Japansese NTEncoding moduls,... Name = ROCLOCAL Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ROCLOCAL Size: 9K Date:12/09/97 Description: ROCLocale 1.0.2 - This is a Chinese localization package. It will change the date expression to Chinese way. You should install Chinese font into your Newton MessagePad first. Name = NTEBIG51 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NTEBIG51 Size:156K Date:12/09/97 Description: NTE-Big5 1.0 - This is a Newton Text Encoding Translater module for Traditional Chinese, named NTEncoding Big5. It is very useful for Chinese Newton users who need translating Big5 to Unicode or vice versa. This module provides many uniform text encoding translation API for Newton programmers. This package only for Newton OS 2.0 or later. Name = TIMELOCK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:TIMELOCK Size: 24K Date:11/19/97 Description: TimeLock 4.01 - allows you to set a delay on requiring the entry of your password. Version 4.01 of TimeLock requires Newton OS 2.x. Version 3.0 of TimeLock is available for Newton OS 1.x. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. I took on this project because I wasn't using the builtin password feature because it was to cumbersome. I would turn off my Newton just to remember one more thing and need to turn it back on again and enter my password. With TimeLock I can set a delay so if I need to turn my newton right back on again I can without having to re-enter my password. Name = DAYLIGHT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DAYLIGHT Size: 7K Date:10/19/97 Description: Daylight Savings - is a little application (approx. 7 KB). After installing you change the various daylight saving times in the Newton. This becomes necessary since in some countries the daylight saving time was changed after finishing the Newton ROM. After installing you can find Daylight Savings in the extras folder Setup by tapping Preferences. Copyright 1995 - 1997 Holger Mller. See the web site for more info at: Name = ICONEDIT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ICONEDIT Size: 12K Date:10/19/97 Description: iconedit - This is a little tool, written to demonstrate the ability to change icons with SBM Utilities. On top of the screen is a list with icons you save till now. In the lower part of the screen will be shown the name of the selected icon and you can see the icon zoomed by 5 and in original size. To the right of the big icon you can select the drawing color (the column with the pen at the top) and the filling color by tapping the little squares. The selected color is marked by a dotted frame. Right under the big icon (where you will do all the drawing) you can choose the drawing tool. Copyright 1995 - 1997 Holger Mller. See the web site for more info at:... Name = TASKS2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:TASKS2 Size: 7K Date:10/19/97 Description: Tasks 2.1 - is a little extension (approx. 6 KB). After installing you can popup a list of running applications by tapping the marked area near by the Names button. freeware. Copyright 1995 - 1997 Holger Mller. See the web site for more info at: Name = SOUNDICO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SOUNDICO Size: 31K Date: 9/24/97 Description: Sound Icon Maker 1.01 - Make your own Sound Icons. Sound Icon Maker is a program that converts sound files into Sound Icons for the Newton OS. Sound Icons are a sound file format for the Newton OS. Create Sound Icons for the Newton OS. Use System 7 sound files. Use AIFF sound files. Drag and drop ease. The current version of Sound Icon Maker requires MacOS 7.0 or greater. Name = NOTEGUAR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOTEGUAR Size: 27K Date: 9/15/97 Description: NoteGuard - NoteGuard works on 2.0 newtons. It's a utility which adds a lock option to the Notepad's action button. Once a note is locked you can't delete or edit it accidentally. It's $15 US, you get MessageBuddy and NoteGuard as a bundle You can order online, via fax, or direct. Name = 17NEWTON Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:17NEWTON Size:601K Date: 9/12/97 Description: Sounds - 17 sounds from yischon liaw and deep focus designs. Sound Icons are sounds for the Newton OS. Add sounds to your Newton device. Use sounds in System Prefs and other applications. Allow tapping on icon to play the sound. Present a popup menu if the sound icon contains multiple sounds. Automatically file away into the Sounds folder in the Extras Drawer. May be filed, frozen, and deleted like other icons. Requires Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. Name = PKGINFO1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PKGINFO1 Size: 4K Date: 9/11/97 Description: PkgInfo 1.0 - Select package(s) in Extras, select Pkg Info in action menu. Displays information about an application, book or autopart(extension) [not storage or built-in apps]: package name, version store name: size in bytes (and compressed size if applicable) creation date and time, developer copyright. Freeware. NOS 2.x-only. Name = SOUNDTOS Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SOUNDTOS Size: 23K Date: 9/09/97 Description: Sound To Soup - will enable you transform a NotePad recording into a soup and have that sound available for the O/S to use in any place that you can select sounds. Use it to make your own Alert sounds. Make a Sound Recording in the NotePad. Name this new recording by tapping the box in the upper left of the recording. The default name is the date. Press the 'Add' button in Sound To Soup. This will copy the sound into it's own soup and add it to the Registered Sound List. You'll see the soup in the Storage drawer named: Soundxxxxxxxx:DMP where xxxxxx is the name you gave it. If you did not name it, then a number will be used. That's it. Sound To Soup functions for 45 days unless registered for $10 USD. Name = ALERTMAK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ALERTMAK Size: 27K Date: 9/03/97 Description: Alert Maker - Create your own alert sounds. Have you ever wanted to make your own alerts? Alert Maker is a tool that allows you to create your own alert sounds. Alert Maker converts sound recordings from the Notes application to alert sounds. Create your own alert and alarm sounds. Convert Notes sound recordings to alerts. Sounds can be used with other applications. NewtonID aware but not required. Easy to use. Alert Maker is available Newton devices with sound recording capability. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000. No testing on an eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. Name = FREEZEU1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FREEZEU1 Size: 19K Date: 8/26/97 Description: Freeze Utilities 1.5 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Freeze Utilities allow you to take advantage of the built in freezing option on the Newton, as well as providing a few enhancments. Freeze Utilities adds an item to your preferences which allows you to configure your Newton's Freezing options. The first checkbox (Allow Package Freezing) turns on and off the ability to freeze icons directly in the Extras Drawer. If it is checked, then after selecting an item in the Extras Drawer, you can tap on the action button (the small envelope) and popup the action menu. To freeze a package, simply select Freeze from the menu. Name = BACKONTO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BACKONTO Size: 5K Date: 8/26/97 Description: BackOnTop - An applet that brings your backdrop application up on top of all other running applications. It will also send the backdrop application back behind all other applications again when it's on top. Perfect to be installed in the button bar on an MP2000. Freeware. NOS 2.0 and 2.1 compatible. Name = INTEMPO1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:INTEMPO1 Size: 34K Date: 8/17/97 Description: In Tempo 1.0 - Flexible metronome for the Newton OS. In Tempo is a flexible metronome with fully adjustable settings. Allow small adjustments to tempo. Allow audio indication of downbeat. Visual feedback of beats and optional backlight flashing. Adjustable downbeat frequency. Play 440Hz A. Quick access to preferences. Use In Tempo sounds in other applications. NewtonID aware but not required. Easy to use. In Tempo is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 or eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. Name = POWERFRE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:POWERFRE Size: 31K Date: 8/17/97 Description: PowerFreeze 1.2 - lets you create your own package-freezing setups.So you can build for example a setup especialy for internet-access or whatever you want. What's the reason for using PowerFreeze? Every activated package needs some useful heap-space. The more package you have installed on your Newton, the less the free heap-space is! Know you have two possibilities to solve this kind of problem. First, you freeze the unused packages manually (that's really hard work, because you have to do it everytime) or you use PowerFreeze and define some setups. Every time you want to activate a special setup, start PowerFreeze, select your setup and activate it. That's all! Name = FOOTPRIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FOOTPRIN Size: 16K Date: 8/14/97 Description: Footprint 1.1 - only works with Newton OS 2.1 (Newton 2000, emate). Footprint is Free Ware. Footprint is a small backdrop application for your Newton OS device. In the spirit of powerBack by PowerPen (which is now defunct) Morgan Creek Medical is releasing this as freeware. We do not have the computing capability to provide user customization at build time, so we have released Footprint as a small, simple application that may be modestly customized via the prefs slip. Also, the relatively empty button bar should allow for added enhancements in the form of Auxiliary Buttons. Morgan Creek Medical has a few useful buttons for use in the backdrop application which are available at our web site at Name = DVORAK2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DVORAK2 Size: 6K Date: 8/12/97 Description: Dvorak 2.0 - is a free extension that adds 2 Dvorak keyboard layouts to your Newton. Now your virtual and external keyboards can be used in the Dvorak layout for faster and more comfortable data entry! Added a popular variant of the Dvorak keyboard layout that repositions keys such as '[',']', and '+'. Dvorak requires Newton OS 2.x and 5K of storage space. Name = FREEBACK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FREEBACK Size: 8K Date: 7/27/97 Description: FreeBack - OS2.x only. FreeBack is a very simple package to be used as backdrop for all peoples concerned about heap. It is nearly the most simple Newton-app posible to free as much heap as possible (heap usage significantly increases with program complexity). All FreeBack consists of, is a blank screen and an i-button that can be used to launch packages using i++. FreeBack is Freeware by Thorsten Lange Name = WRITEHE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WRITEHE1 Size: 11K Date: 6/17/97 Description: WriteHere Tools 1.3 - adds powerful text editing and text transformation features to WriteHere and your Newton! With extensible WriteHere tools, you can perform word count, case change, sort, and delete spaces from any application that supports text input, from the Notepad to the NewtWorks word processor! WriteHere Writing Formats automatically transform your written text into UPPERCASE or lowercase! Name = GCSTAT1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:GCSTAT1 Size: 5K Date: 5/12/97 Description: GCStat 1.1 - Small frames heap display for the Newton MessagePad. GCStat is a small application that does a garbage collection, then displays the amount of memory free in the frames heap. The display will appear in the center of the screen for 2-3 seconds, then disappear. If you would like the display to disappear sooner, just tap it. Addendum: To clarify the utility of GCStat: The reason for the garbage collection is to get a more accurate assessment of the frames heap. Doing manual garbage collection is generally not needed, since the system will automatically garbage collect when it senses the need to do so. Name = HWRWORKS Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HWRWORKS Size: 13K Date: 4/07/97 Description: HWRWorks 1.1 - for the Newton MessagePad 2000 enables handwriting recognition in NewtWorks. Features include the ability to use the caret menu, scrub out or edit individual letters, and create new pages with a gesture. HWRWorks is free. Name = POWERPRE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:POWERPRE Size: 8K Date: 3/29/97 Description: Power Prefs 2.1 - New in version 2.0, you can tell the backlight on a MP130 to turn on automatically on power up. This option only shows up if backlighting is available. This package adds a panel to the Prefs application under Newton 2.0 to allow access to some hidden options that aren't normally available. This package only works under Newton OS 2.0. Loading it on earlier versions of the Newton will not work and produce an error. Since the functions are undocumented they may stop working in the future. Name = CLIPHOAR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CLIPHOAR Size: 15K Date: 3/26/97 Description: Cliphoard - is a preferences panel which allows you to set the number of clipboards which are available on for use on the MessagePad 2000 and the eMate 300. Multiple clipboards were added into these products but were not turned on by default. This panel gives you the ability to set the clipboard depth to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, or 20 through the use of a simple picker. When multiple clipboards are invoked, the main or active clipboard will be black. All other clipboards will be a shade of gray. This gives you a visual clue as to what Cmd-V will paste when using the keyboard. The newest items placed on the clipboard replace the oldest items on the clipboard. The bitmap for only the active clipboard is... Name = NOFX Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOFX Size: 15K Date: 3/26/97 Description: noFX - is a preferences panel which allows you to turn on or off the individual effect types on the MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. This includes the delete, poof, scroll, and view effects. Each has its own checkbox for turning that respective effect on or off. By turning off the delete effect, you will no longer get the crumpling of the paper with the toss into the trash. The delete will just happen. Turning off the scrub effect will turn off the poof that happens when you scrub a word, but you will still get the poof sound. The scroll effects pertains to the slide effect that happens when you scroll in Notes or other such applications that use the SlideEffect routine. Finally, view effects refers to... Name = STREAK1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:STREAK1 Size: 8K Date: 3/26/97 Description: Streak 1.0 - Search and Replace utility for Newton. Enter the word you wish to find in the find field. Enter the word you wish to replace it with in the replace field. Alternatively you can grab the word from the text your checking by using the = buttons next to the entry fields. The = will grab words in which the cursor is present, or hilited. Name = JIVE0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:JIVE0 Size: 4K Date: 3/04/97 Description: Jive 0.9 - WriteHere Write Format: JIVE, version 0.9. This auto-part installs a WriteHere Write Format that transforms English text into JIVE. Name = CHEMWRIT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CHEMWRIT Size: 4K Date: 3/04/97 Description: Chem Write Format 0.95 - WriteHere Write Format: Chemical Formulae, version 0.95 - This auto-part installs a WriteHere Write Format that transforms any text containing mixed alphabetic and numeric characters into correct chemical formulae. Name = FONTPACK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FONTPACK Size:107K Date: 3/03/97 Description: Font Pack Volume 1 - for Newton MessagePads! Font Pack includes 12 new fonts for your Newton, as well as a totally revamped Styles Palette. The new fonts include Avant, Boston, Courier, Funky, Garamond, Helvetica, Jagged, Machine, Round About Schoolbook, Times, Type Writer. In addition, the new styles palette supports point sizes of: 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 72, as well as multiple styles, including Bold, Italic, Underline, Outline, Super- and Sub-script (or any combination thereof). This 30 Day demo of Font Pack requires Newton OS 2.0. Name = MACSOUND Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:MACSOUND Size: 15K Date: 2/11/97 Description: Mac Sounds - this 18k package contains the basic set of Macintosh System 7 sounds. It's also nice if you are chatting with Mac users and want to hear the sounds they are playing. All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. Name = BUILTINS Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:BUILTINS Size: 2K Date: 2/11/97 Description: BuiltIn Sounds - this 2k package adds sounds, built in to the Newton, to the list of sounds you can use. Like the Extras opening, an item getting trashed, the hilite sound and more. All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. Name = EWORLDSO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:EWORLDSO Size:181K Date: 2/11/97 Description: eWorld Sounds - this 261k package contains all of the sounds from eWorld. A trip down nostalgia row! All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. Name = ANIMALSO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:ANIMALSO Size: 69K Date: 2/11/97 Description: Animal Sounds - this 100k package contains a variety of short animal noises. All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. Name = CHATSOUN Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:CHATSOUN Size: 16K Date: 2/11/97 Description: Chat Sounds - this 22k package contains Chat sounds used in our ChatBuddy IRC client. All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. Name = LIBRARIA Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:LIBRARIA Size: 10K Date: 2/04/97 Description: Librarian 2.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. To use Librarian on a Newton 100, 110, 120/1.3, or Original MessagePad, please download version 1.0 of Librarian. Librarian 2.0 allows you to flip pages in Newton books with the power swich. Librarian 2.0 is free. Name = REMAPPER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:REMAPPER Size: 19K Date: 1/17/97 Description: Remapper - is a utility that allows you to customize the behavior of the silkscreened buttons built into the MessagePad 120 and 130. You can make any or all of the silkscreened buttons open a custom application or do certain other things such as put the Newton to sleep, toggle the backlight, or rotate the screen. Remapper requires Newton 2.0 and will run on either a MessagePad 120 or 130. Remapper includes online help. Check the online help if you don't understand a certain feature of Remapper. Tap the I button and then tap Help to view the online help. Remapper is shareware. If you use Remapper, please register it by sending $10. Registered users will recieve, at no additional charge, Remapper Pro... Name = NAMEPRIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NAMEPRIN Size: 95K Date: 1/05/97 Description: NamePrinter 1.4 - is a Newton package that creates an address book listing or address labels from your Names soup. Output can be formatted in 1, 2, or 3 columns using a choice of several fonts and font sizes. Margins are adjustable. NamePrinter can print all names or just the names in a folder. Both US/UK and Continental Europe style postal code formats are supported. Version 1.4 is considerably more robust. Newton 2.0 OS only. Name = QUICKPOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:QUICKPOR Size: 8K Date:11/30/96 Description: QuickPort 1.1 - is a global transport that lets you easily get your Newton information to any computer that supports a simple terminal emulation program. QuickPort works with any Newton 2.0 application that supports e-mail routing, including all the built-in applications! This software is provided free of charge by powerPen Software, part of the software engineering program at Washington State University. Name = ENHANCEM Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ENHANCEM Size: 77K Date:11/29/96 Description: Catamount Enhancement Pack 2.2 - includes the latest versions of the included packages. The bundle includes Writers Calc 1.02, NoteScroller 4.02, NameDropper 5.01, Expansion, Igor, NoteHopper 2.0, and Plain Jane 2.01. Each program is available separately, but this bundle lets you register all of the programs as a much lower price. Name = NOTESOR1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOTESOR1 Size: 39K Date:11/20/96 Description: NotesOrg 3.0e - (english version ) is probably the most complete project and information mananger available for the Newton OS. It lets you plan and manage your projects by setting and controlling a time frame for each project. And - even better - it lets you add all the different objects of information that already exist on your MessagePad to your project as you need them. It does not matter if it is a card, a note, a meeting, a to-do, a call, a fax, an e-mail message. Everything can be linked to your projects or even be created right from the project to be automatically linked to it. All this makes NotesOrg 3.0 a perfect information manager for you to work with. Requires Newton OS 2.x. Name = NOTESORG Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOTESORG Size: 38K Date:11/20/96 Description: NotesOrg 3.0g - (german version ) is probably the most complete project and information mananger available for the Newton OS. It lets you plan and manage your projects by setting and controlling a time frame for each project. And - even better - it lets you add all the different objects of information that already exist on your MessagePad to your project as you need them. It does not matter if it is a card, a note, a meeting, a to-do, a call, a fax, an e-mail message. Everything can be linked to your projects or even be created right from the project to be automatically linked to it. All this makes NotesOrg 3.0 a perfect information manager for you to work with. Requires Newton OS 2.x. Name = DATARESC Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:DATARESC Size: 6K Date:11/19/96 Description: DataRescue - Experience tragically shows that the most vulnerable part of your beloved Newton MessagePad is its display. In the case of a damaged display it is not possible to write anything on it anymore. You cannot even get your data back! This little package does nothing but automatically open the Connection slip and wait for your desktop machine to get into contact. You will then be able to back up your data from the desktop using the Newton Backup Utilities or similar software. Data Rescue does so when it is installed, e.g. when a card is inserted or the MessagePad is reset. Of course, you will not want to have this active all the time, but in an emergency case it can be installed via a... Name = PACKAGEI Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PACKAGEI Size: 6K Date:10/31/96 Description: Package Info .1 - This is a simple program to diplay package infomation for Newton OS 2.0. Oct. 13 96 0.1 - first release. NOS 2.0 Only. Name = STARTUPS Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:STARTUPS Size: 20K Date:10/31/96 Description: Startup Screen 0.1a3 - This is startupscreen changer program. You can change your Newton StartupScreen as you want. NOS 2.0 Only. Don't set passward! This program is not bug free! Install StartupScreen.pkg to your newton. You need to get pict2pkg0.23. Build yourpictname.pkg as '|yourpictname:p2p023|. Install your startupscreen pict.pkg. If you want to view, Tap Happy Newton Icon. Sleep and boot, you will see new StartupScreen. Don't set passward! If you set passward, you need reset your newton, and remove your passward or this program. Name = LCDCHECK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:LCDCHECK Size: 4K Date:10/31/96 Description: LCD Check.pkg - Use this for Checking secondhand Newton's LCD. By Tomoyoshi Murai. Name = NGPMAC1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:NGPMAC1 Size: 54K Date:10/28/96 Description: Newton Graphics Package for Macintosh 1.0 - Object Drawing Program for Macintosh. Want to move your Newton pictures to your Mac? With NGP, you can draw pictures on your Newton. With the NGP transfer utility you can move those pictures to your Mac, and with NGP Mac you can edit and print them! It's free! It's fully 1.x compatible and 2.0 savvy. Get your Newton Pictures on your Mac. Name = GESTALT0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:GESTALT0 Size: 5K Date:10/24/96 Description: Gestalt .1 - This is a simple program to diplay system infomation for Newton OS 2.0. Version History - May. 11 96, 0.1 - first release. Name = MASTERKE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:MASTERKE Size: 11K Date:10/21/96 Description: Master Key - a small Newton Extension that adds functionality to the existing Newton password/PIN protection. It should only be added to the Internal store of a newton and not onto memeory cards as removing the card will remove the functionality. It adds a 'Master Key Preference to the general Newton Prefs after it is installed. This means as well as the normal PIN number working another Master PIN number will also get you through the start-up screen. This is only for use with existing Newton Message PADs 120s and 130s that are running version 2.0 of the operation system. This extension is mainly useful for vertical markets and System administrators who have to control a number of Newtons which need to... Name = SMARTBUT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:SMARTBUT Size: 64K Date:10/19/96 Description: SmartButtons 2.14.pkg - K2 announces that its latest revision of its Advanced Reference Technology engine, SmartButtons. Please note that this update fixes some minor issues with previous versions as well as providing a small speed increase on indexed searches. This update is recommended for ALL Newton devicies (100->130) however Newton users with OS 2.0 will notice the biggest differences. It is used with all K2 ART Compatible products including the KJV Bible, all Medical Texts (by K2, ERLI, First DataBank, and Mosby-Year Book), Archimedes, and MedScribe. Name = CONTROLP Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CONTROLP Size: 31K Date:10/10/96 Description: Control Panel lets you set five features of your Newton according to the time of day and power source. Alarms - You can set as many alarms as you need. Alarms will open any application you want when they go off. Sleep Delay - Set the Newton to go to sleep after a certain amount of time based on whether it is plugged in or not and what time of day it is. Open Applications - Automatically open application depending on the time and worksite. Backlighting - Backlighting can be turned on at night, when you are plugged in, when you are on the road, or always. Worksites - Depending on the time of day and power source Control Panel can automatically choose your worksite. Requires Newton OS 2.0. Name = SCRAPBOO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SCRAPBOO Size: 31K Date:10/07/96 Description: Scrapbook 1.01 - Requires Newton MessagePad running 2.0 OS. Scrapbook is a way to view and sort frequently used images, text, and ink on the Newton. Any text saved using Clipper or KeyMan is viewable with the scrapbook. You can drag any of the pictures from the Scrapbook into a note. In adition, you can take screen shots and paste them into notes, suitable for printing or faxing. Name = BIGNOTES Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BIGNOTES Size: 14K Date:10/07/96 Description: BigNotes 2.0 - Lets you have notes in the note pad up to 32k in size (the standard limit is 4k.) Completely transparent, just keep writing. Shareware, $10. This demo will expire after 30 days. Requires Newton 2.0 OS. Name = FAXCOVER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FAXCOVER Size: 54K Date:10/07/96 Description: Fax Cover Creator 1.01 - Create custom fax cover sheets to replace the standard fax cover sheet of the Newton. Include logos, titles, contact information, or whatever you want. Shareware, $34.95. This demo will expire after 30 days. This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Name = SUNUPDOW Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SUNUPDOW Size: 19K Date: 9/27/96 Description: SunUpDown 1.3 - Requires NOS 2.0. SunUpDown calculates for a choosen city: the sun rise for a specific day, sun set for a specific day, longest day in a year shortest day in a year. Cities are picked from the Cities soup. On idle time it determines the longest and shortest day in the year. Use the chart checkbox to draw a chart. The required data for this chart is also calculated on idle. So you can see it getting better and better. Name = PATCHWOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PATCHWOR Size: 5K Date: 9/26/96 Description: Patchwork 1.1 - is a small package which solves two problems in Newton 2.0 during restarts occuring after a reset. Restoration of the previously selected remote city in TimeZones. Restoration of the previously selected view in Dates. Normally, Newton sets the remote city to Tokyo, Japan, and the view in Dates to Day regardless of your previous selection. These informations are stored in Patchwork upon alteration by the user and then applied to the Newton restart. Thanks to the brilliant Newton operating system, it's possible to change almost any behavior of any object on the Newton. I've managed to point out the methods which are called when the user changes the above mentioned data. By overriding these methods... Name = RESTART Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:RESTART Size: 4K Date: 9/04/96 Description: Restart - is a really simple application. When you click on the Restart icon in the Extra's Drawer, the Newton restarts. This saves you the trouble of having to open the battery cover to press the hardware restart button. Restart is Freeware. You may redistribute Restart so long as this file is included and so long as you do not try to pass Restart off as your own creation. Restart was developed on a MP120 (2.0 OS) using NTK 1.6. It has not been tested for Newton devices running OS 1.3 or older. Name = ADDRESSA Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:ADDRESSA Size:197K Date: 8/07/96 Description: AddressAccess 1.61d - kann als Ergnzung oder als Ersatz des im Newton integrierten Karteiprogramms verwendet werden. Die Oberflche bietet einen effizienten Zugriff auf die gespeicherten Karteikarten. Auerdem bietet das Programm: Komfortabler Editor der auch auf Newton1.x Systemen viele Felder von NOS2.0 bereitstellt. Sortieren nach Vorname, Nachname oder Firma. Adressen werden abhngig vom jeweiligem Land formatiert. Exportieren von Karteikarten in den Notizblock. Newton2.0 wird untersttzt. Wechsel in die eingebaute Kartei. es werden dieselben Daten genutzt, wie bei der integrierten Kartei, direktes Whlen einer Telefonnummer ohne weitere Dialogboxen, direktes Beamen einer Karte - ebenfalls ohne... Name = ADDRESS2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:ADDRESS2 Size:207K Date: 8/07/96 Description: AddressAccess 1.61e - supplies an easy and efficient interface to the cards stored in your Newton - no more using the slow overview function to find a person's address. Features - Sort your cards by first name, last name or company, comfortable editor for easily changing or adding cards with optional non-floating keyboard - quick searching: only enter the first few characters of name you are looking for - supports NOS2.0 systems - use a lot of 2.0-names-fields even with 1.x systems. Address is formatted according to the country. - Direct dialing of phone numbers without any further dialogs, Direct beaming of cards. - Direct beaming of your card - together with i++ V1.10 or higher on 2.0-systems: - create a new... Name = SLEEPAID Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SLEEPAID Size: 24K Date: 7/22/96 Description: SleepAid 2.1 - covers all aspects of power management on your OS 2.0 Newton. It replaces the default Sleep preferences allowing you to set two sleep times - one for battery and one for AC. Users with backlit Newtons can set two separate backlight timeouts. SleepAid also adds a SleepAidNow corner for one tap sleep and a HeapStatus corner for an instant reading of free heap space. SleepAid is not a radical change fromthe existing interface. It adds functionality without complexity and implements sleep the way it should have been in the first place. When SleepAid starts up, it replaces the Newton's default Sleep preferences. You access the new preferences the same way you accessed the old preferences - they appear... Name = BACKPAK1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:BACKPAK1 Size: 11K Date: 7/17/96 Description: BackPak 1.1 - is a simple application launching utiltiy. The idea is to make BackPak the Backdrop application and use it, not the Extras drawer, to open applications. BackPak use much less memory than the Extras drawer (or the NotePad) when used as the Backdrop application. Open the Extras drawer and hold the pen down on top of BackPak until it is hilited. Open the action button (the one inthe lower right) and select Make Backdrop. BackPak will be made your Backdrop appliaction. When you close all other applications, BackPak will be there, not the Notes application (the Notepad). Once you open BackPak, you will notice a virtually blank screen. All you have to do is Show the applications you want. Simply tap the... Name = SPELLER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:SPELLER Size: 21K Date: 6/14/96 Description: Speller - is a spelling checker for the Newton MessagePad. With Speller you can check the spelling of memos, mail messages and other textual notes using the built-in dictionaries of the Newton. Name = ZNAMES Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ZNAMES Size: 12K Date: 6/12/96 Description: zNames+ 1.69 - Requires System 2.0 and up. zNames+ is a utility to make additions to the names file quick and easy. No select Names, new, add this and add that. Now, one tap and you can add a First, Last and company name. Home phone, fax and e-mail address. With one more tap you can add the entire address. zNames+ will not replace the existing Names program, but it will make adding new entries quick and easy. And, to add to the ease of use you need only to tap just above and a little to the left of the names icon to launch the application in either portrait or landscape mode. It is also launchable from the extras drawer. Name = FOLDERIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FOLDERIN Size: 11K Date: 6/04/96 Description: FolderInfo 1.0b2 - FolderInfo is an informational Folder utility for the Newton. It was written primarily to inform users about how much storage space is consumed by Notes, Names, and packages stored inside Global folders in the Newton 2.0 operating system. It also allows these items to quickly be deleted on a folder-by-folder basis and can be used in landscape mode. FREEware Enjoy! Name = STOREINF Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:STOREINF Size: 8K Date: 6/04/96 Description: StoreInfo 1.0b6 - A Storage Space Monitor for the Newton. StoreInfo is a simple little application (11K, 0.1K heap) that lives inside a floating window and monitors the amount of available storage space on the internal and external stores connected to your Newton. The program is compatible with Newton 1.x and 2.0 systems, and offers users of 1.x users a window is similar to the Memory Info window that is available in the Extras Drawer under Newton 2.0. The advantage of using StoreInfo, however, is that its window can be displayed at all times on the screen without using much screen space and it can be easily invoked with a product like GestureLaunch from ICS. In addition to reporting the amount of... Name = NDCRYPT2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NDCRYPT2 Size: 32K Date: 6/02/96 Description: NDcrypt 2.0 light - allows you to make Notes from the Notes app 1. UnReadable / Readable or 2. Encrypted / Decrypted. NDcrypt 2.0 light is a Newton OS 2.0 only app. NDcrypt 2.0 light will work on the Note that is at the top of the Newton Window. This is also true in the Overview mode. If a Note is coded, you'd want to know how it's coded. stands for Unreadable. stands for Password. NDcrypt2.0 light is a US$15 ShareWare program. Name = HNEWTML2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HNEWTML2 Size: 95K Date: 5/13/96 Description: HnewTML 2.0 - HnewTML is a helper application for Steve Weyer and Greg Simon's NewtsCape which lets you create Newton Books on the Newton from HTML-formatted text. HnewTML allows you to easily HTML format text on the Newton's Notepad. HnewTML can be used alone to format HTML text that can then be sent via email to your pc or Mac in order to create web pages.This release updates HnewTML to be compatible with the current version of NewtsCape. Version 2.00 is now 2.x compatible. It replaces the oversized palette with a button on the Notepad's status bar, adds some new tags and cleans up a few bugs. Version 2.00 fixes some formatting problems, and allows for a JavaScript plug-in which will allow you to format... Name = BATTERYB Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BATTERYB Size: 11K Date: 4/03/96 Description: BatteryBuddy 1.0 - Quite simply, BatteryBuddy provides you a window into the status of your batteries your 2.0 Newton. It's a simple freeware application we've provided to the Newton Community. We've not tested it with 1.x. By Eric Welch, Copyright 1996 Tactile Systems, Inc. Name = BACKDROP Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BACKDROP Size: 77K Date: 3/31/96 Description: Backdrop Plus 1.2 - is an alternative to the NotePad as the backdrop, or background, application for the Newton. With the NotePad closed, you save as much as 10k in heap (similar to RAM on a desktop machine.) This means that you can have more extensions and applications loaded at once, and you will get fewer memory-related problems and restarts. Each loaded application or extension takes up a small amount of heap. Since the NotePad is not used all the time, closing it when not used means there's more heap available the rest of the time. You should usually try to keep your heap above 35-40k after a restart (it will drop lower as you use your Newton. This is normal.). Name = SLEEPER1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:SLEEPER1 Size: 17K Date: 3/28/96 Description: Sleeper 1.0 - is a 21k package that make your Newton yawn when it goes to sleep. Install Sleeper as you would normally install any other package. Most people will use the connection kit for either Mac or Windows. If you have never installed a package before, please read the documentation that came with your Newton. Name = PRINTENV Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PRINTENV Size: 75K Date: 3/24/96 Description: PrintEnv - I've always thought that it was strange that you can compose and print a standard business letter with your Newton, but when it comes time to create the envelope, you are left with no way to print in landscape (sideways) printer mode. Thus you have to hand write the envelope (ugh). PrintEnv addresses this problem. As you will see, it simply displays a small window in which you write the name and address of the person receiving the letter, and prints a standard business envelope when you tap Print. PrintEnv 1.0 allows you to print a standard business envelope with your return address on an HP-compatible printer. Written in NS Basic, PrinEnv requires: NOS 2.0, a serial connection to the printer, and the... Name = BREVITYR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BREVITYR Size: 4K Date: 3/24/96 Description: Brevity Rotate -, Primordial Software. Requires Newton 2.0. Brevity Rotate is an extension that puts a rotate button in the status bar of the Notepad. Name = NOTESOR1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTESOR1 Size: 97K Date: 3/22/96 Description: NotesOrg 2.1 - The Notes and Project Organizer soll die Arbeit mit Notizen auf dem Newton verbessern. So erlaubt NotesOrg nicht nur, Notizen mit Hilfe der Newton Ordnertechnik zu organisieren, sondern jede Notiz einem Projekt, einer Person oder einem Thema zuzuordnen. Ferner knnen mit Hilfe von NotesOrg Notizen mit Terminen und Aufgaben oder mit jedem anderen beliebigen Objekt auf dem Newton verknpft werden. Zur vereinfachten Erstellung von Notizen kann Auto-Text benutzt werden. Notizen knnen nach Ordner, Datumsbereichen, Projekten, Personen und/oder Themen gefiltert werden. Weiterhin knnen Projekte mit Hilfe des NotesOrg eigenen Projekt-Managers verwaltet werden. Schlielich untersttzt NotesOrg... Name = NOTESORG Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTESORG Size: 96K Date: 3/22/96 Description: NotesOrg 2.1 - The Notes and Project Manager. The Notes and Project Organizer was designed to enhance Newton's Notepad. It allows you to organize your notes not only by Newton's folder technique but also by projects, names and topics. You can link a note to a name from your card file or create meetings and to-do's attached to your note or put links to your notes everywhere on your Newton. You can also create notes quickly using shortcuts. Filter your notes by date from and to, project, name and topic. Finally you can manage your projects with NotesOrg's built-in Project-Manager. It also supports iambic's ActionNames. NotesOrg 2.1 was made for Newton OS 1.x only. Name = ROMSND2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ROMSND2 Size: 9K Date: 2/26/96 Description: ROMSND2 - This application plays you some sounds from the Newton ROM. This application will only work on 2.0 units! If you need more informations, please me. Richard Schaeren Name = ROMPICT2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ROMPICT2 Size: 9K Date: 2/26/96 Description: ROMPict2 - This application shows you some pictures from the Newton ROM. This application will only work on 2.0 units! Funny thing is that the icons for Names, Dates, Extras, Undo and Assist are included in ROM. May this will give us some idea what we could expect in future! Name = POWERPDQ Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:POWERPDQ Size: 11K Date: 1/28/96 Description: PowerPDQ 1.0 - PowerPDQ is a utility to measure, tune and maximize battery usage on the Apple Newton MessagePad. PowerPDQ calculates a standardized benchmark rating for each battery usage cycle. The rating allows users to compare different batteries, and select the brand with the highest rating. The rating also facilitates measuring the effects of longer/shorter battery charging cycles. Name = CARDSTYL Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CARDSTYL Size: 6K Date:12/27/95 Description: CardStyler 1.0 - CardStyler is a small program for Newton OS 2.0 that globally sets the style of your name cards. You can choose one style for all people cards, another style for company cards, or the same style for both. Freeware. Name = HNEWTML1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:HNEWTML1 Size: 52K Date:12/17/95 Description: HnewTML 1.01 - HnewTML is a helper application for Steve Weyer and Greg Simon's NewtsCape which lets you create Newton Books on the Newton from HTML-formatted text. HnewTML allows you to easily HTML format text on the Newton's Notepad. HnewTML can be used alone to format HTML text that can then be sent via email to your pc or Mac in order to create web pages. However, HnewTML is of most use when used in conjunction with NewtsCape, in that it makes creation of Newton Books ON the Newton easier and faster. HnewTML's interface consists of two buttons. One button brings up a hierarchical picker that allows you to format text. The other button allows you to quickly launch NewtsCape and sends the formatted text to... Name = SCROLLER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SCROLLER Size: 5K Date:12/17/95 Description: Scroller - Scroller does two things. It will scroll the notepad OR the calls app on a continuous basis (a little at a time for as long as you continue to hold the pen on the Scroller arrow, instead of one note at a time. In addition, tapping the center dot will make the topic buttons in a Notepad checklist or outline disappear (or reappear if they are hidden), is the current insertion point is in that checklist or outline. Tapping the close box closes it. Scroller might work in some other applications if they are modelled after Notes or Calls (which are actually at heart very similar apps) but as far as I know, the only applications that this will work in that I've seen are these two. Requires NOS 2.0. Name = IGOR1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:IGOR1 Size: 5K Date:12/14/95 Description: Igor 1.0 - IGOR speeds up Intelligent Assistant and removes the 15 word limitation on a phrase. Newton Intelligent Assistant is a good idea, but the performance under 1.x of the Newton OS was unbearable. Newton OS 2.0 fixes some problems, but there are still a few things that can be improved. IGOR was written to overcome these problems. Only applications that register with IGOR will see the performance improvement. Works with 1.x and 2.0. Name = CEP2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:CEP2 Size: 71K Date:12/14/95 Description: Catamount Enhancement Pack 2.01 - Contains 7 applications from Hardy Macia/Catamount, for the Newton 1.x and 2.0 PDA. Contains - Expansion, Igor, NameDropper, NoteHopper, NoteScroller, PlainJane and Writer's Calc. See the Readme files that are included with each program for additional details. Name = NOTESCRO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOTESCRO Size: 14K Date:12/14/95 Description: NoteScroller 4.02 - NoteScroller allows you customize how you scroll the NotePad. You can control the number of Pixels scrolled and have NoteScroller scroll continuously until you tell it to stop. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. Requires 2.0, does not work on 1.x. Use a previous version for 1.x. Name = YAK11 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:YAK11 Size:161K Date:11/17/95 Description: Yak 1.1.1 - Yak is my first Newton app which I created in order to aquaint myself with Newton development, the NTK environment and Newtonscript. It is a simple little text-to-speech engine which exists as a sort of extension - it does nothing by itself but its functions are called by outside applications. This means that you can write your own programs to take advantage of Yak's (somewhat peculiar) vocal stylings...even from NS BASIC! The Yak software included here consists of three main parts: (1) Yak 1.0 package (2) Yak Control Panel (3) A little Yak-applet, NoteYak, which works with the Newton's internal Notes application to read stuff outloud to any hapless individual in earshot. Name = BYNAME.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:BYNAME.TXT Size:135K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Utilities file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = BYDATE.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:BYDATE.TXT Size:135K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Utilities file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = NDCRYPT1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NDCRYPT1 Size: 13K Date:10/03/95 Description: NDcrypt 1.6 - NDcrypt v1.6 is an application that allows you to encrypt / decrypt the Notes in your NotePad application. The current Note is the note at the top of the screen. If a Note is coded, you'd want to know how it's coded. stands for Unreadable. stands for Password. With password coded Notes, there will always be a comment. You can determine the content of the comment yourself. If you don't select comment, the comment will be No comment. If you do select comment, you'll get the 12 first characters of the Note as a default, but you can change this into any text you want. This is FreeWare. If you like the app, send the author an e-mail. Name = EDITCITI Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:EDITCITI Size: 14K Date:10/03/95 Description: EditCities - This auto part adds functionality to the 'Time Zones' app, allowing users to edit the locations (Apple are you listening?). Changes persist across resets. It also fixes the UK international code from 010 to 00. Install like any other package. No icon will appear in the Extras drawer. Tap 'Time Zones'. Tap the new button marked 'x' to the left of I'm Here. From here you're on your own - plug & play. If you mess everything up, use a suitable soup editor (e.g. StewPot) to remove the EditCities entry from the System soup. You don't need to remove EditCities itself - it will revert to using the built-in locations again. This package supercedes my ExtraCities, recently reviewed in _protoReality. Name = NOTEEDI1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTEEDI1 Size: 34K Date: 9/30/95 Description: Note Editor - Note Editor adds an additional item (Editor) to the menu that pops up when you tap the envelope icon that belongs to a note on the Notepad. If you tap the Editor item, the Note Editor opens displaying the note. Note Editor provides a series of tools for making working with notes easier. The tools fall into three basic categories - Note Viewing, Text Manipulation and Drawing. Name = NEWTONSL Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NEWTONSL Size:117K Date: 9/25/95 Description: Newton Slide Show Demo - NSS Demo - The Newton Slide Show package allows you to view images on your Newton MessagePad. Features of NSS include - Automatic playback mode with user selectable pauses between images. Manual viewing mode for moving forward or backwards through the images. User selectable transition effects. This demo version of the Newton Slide Show (NSS) is a freeware application for displaying still images on the current family of Newton MessagePads (OMP, MP100, MP110, and MP120). Name = VIRTUALS Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:VIRTUALS Size: 9K Date: 9/14/95 Description: Virtual Scrollbar - Virtual Scrollbar is a Newton application that allows you to quickly scroll to any part of a Notepad note with one tap of the pen. Name = BULLETPR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BULLETPR Size: 8K Date: 9/14/95 Description: BulletProof - Includes two Newton applications - Newton Rebooter and Newton Sleeper. Rebooter will allow you to reboot your Newton without having to pull off your battery cover. Rebooter also has two additional buttons. One is labeled GC and will do a garbage collecton on your Frame Heap memory recovering any unused memory. The Sleep button will cause your Newton to sleep or power off. Newton Sleeper - Sleeper is a button on the Notepad satus bar that will allow the Newton to sleep immediately when the button is tapped. Name = SOUPCLEA Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPCLEA Size: 10K Date: 9/08/95 Description: SoupCleaner 1.0 - I've noticed that over time some of the Date Soup's entries get corrupted. By that I mean that some entries will loose required slots or that these slots will contain some invalid entries. Each entry consists of required slots like the mtgStartDate slot which specifies the start date of the event. If that slot is missing, the event-in most cases if not all-will not be displayed. SoupCleaner will attempt to examine each entry and determine whether or not any slots are missing or corrupted. Corrupted entries can also be repaired depending on the user setting. Name = SOUPKITC Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPKITC Size: 37K Date: 8/28/95 Description: SoupKitchen 1.0 - SoupKitchen is a full-featured soup browser/editor for the Newton. Shareware, $10. Free to NewtCase 2.x users. Upon launching SoupKitchen, you will be asked to select a soup to edit. Once selected, SoupKitchen will provide information on that soup (number of entires, storage used, index slot, etc.). Tap on the Browse button to enter the soup browser. While editing, its important to understand the structure of soups and how SoupKitchen displays their contents. Information is given in the Read Me file! Name = OPENME Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:OPENME Size: 13K Date: 8/18/95 Description: Open Me - Open Me and Open Me too. One man's answer to the 30 icon limit of the newton Extras drawer. (poo to Apple). Open Me too is a simple application that puts itself in the top left corner of the screen, it's draggable so that you can shift it if you wish. Tap on the dark grey area to get a list of installed applications. Tap on the grey area to get a list of ROM applications. Tap on the light grey area to get a list of installed books. To close this application, select itself from it own list. New - The first apps menu holds 22 apps and an additional menu holds any more that you may have. Sorry, these menus are not scrolling lists. Name = TIMELOCK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TIMELOCK Size: 23K Date: 8/14/95 Description: TimeLock 3.0 German - TimeLock allows you to set a delay on requiring the entry of your password. There are 2 versions. TimeLock-PS.pkg will install in the password slip and TimeLock-SB.pkg installs into the NotePad's statusbar button. There are English, Germany and French versions of TimeLock available. If you would like to convert TimeLock to your language please e-mail The text to convert will be sent to you, after you convert the text send it back to Catamount Software, and your language's version of TimeLock will be sent back to you. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. This is the German version. Name = LIBRARIA Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:LIBRARIA Size: 47K Date: 7/31/95 Description: Librarian 1.5 - Librarian fixes several problems with the built in bookmaker, and addresses the (possible) need for one-handed book reading. It saves all information about the current book when you close it, so that when you next open it, you will be at the same page and your bookmarks and ink notations will still be intact (even after a Restart). In addition, it places a small toggle switch next to the page number at the bottom which, when on, will make the power switch turn the page, enabling you to read a book with only one hand (and no stylus.) Name = TIMELOC1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TIMELOC1 Size: 23K Date: 7/31/95 Description: TimeLock 3.0 English - TimeLock allows you to set a delay on requiring the entry of your password. There are 2 versions. TimeLock-PS.pkg will install in the password slip and TimeLock-SB.pkg installs into the NotePad's statusbar button. There are English, Germany and French versions of TimeLock available. If you would like to convert TimeLock to your language please e-mail The text to convert will be sent to you, after you convert the text send it back to Catamount Software, and your language's version of TimeLock will be sent back to you. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. Name = SCROLLIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCROLLIN Size: 14K Date: 7/31/95 Description: ScrollingDoPopup 3.0 - ScrollingDoPopup allows any popup list to scroll. This means that a program like PocketMoney now has an unlimited number of categories, accounts,.... AssistCalc now has an unlimited number of user defined formulas. MPG can have an unlimited number of vehicle service alarms and reminders. If you have a lot of packages installed on your card you can use the built-in card's Remove Software button to reach all of the packages that used to extend off the screen. There are a lot of other packages that can benefit from this also... SDP will not start to work until the popup lists extend off the screen. Once the lists are too long for the Newton screen SDP installs an arrow icon at the end of the... Name = NOTESCRO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTESCRO Size: 25K Date: 7/31/95 Description: NoteScroller 2.0 - NoteScroller allows you to scroll the NotePad - line (L)- scrolls one line everytime you tap the arrow button. Half (H) - scrolls half page (150 pixels) everytime you tap the arrow button. SmoothSlow (S1)- continuously scrolls the notepad at a slow speed until you tap the button again. SmoothMed (S3)- continuously scrolls the notepad at a medium speed (3 pixels at a time) until you tap the button again. SmoothFast (S6)- continuously scrolls the notepad at a fast speed (6 pixels at a time) until you tap the button again. Only one of the above packages can be installed at any one time. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. Name = DRAG3 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:DRAG3 Size: 13K Date: 7/31/95 Description: Drag 3.0 - Drag makes windows draggable. The Find and Assist windows can now be moved along with many other windows (Connection, InBox, OutBox, Card, CallSlip, DateSlip and it even works with some non-builtin programs such as QuickMoney). Big deal? Well, have you ever tried Find in the Names just to discover you can't see the data you wish to look at because the Name card is in All Info view instead of Card and Notes view. So, you have to close the Find window switch the Show setting and then Find again. If you have 500+ names you probably wish you could just drag the Find window instead of re-finding the data again. Name = CARDSTYL Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:CARDSTYL Size: 11K Date: 7/31/95 Description: CardStyle 2.0 - CardStyle lets you assign the new default card style to the name cards. CardStyle remembers the last time you changed the CardStyle and uses what you changed it to for the new default card style the next time you tap new. CardStyle also defaults the country field to your default country when new name cards are created. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. Name = NOPASSWO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOPASSWO Size: 12K Date: 7/31/95 Description: NoPasswordInk 2.0 - NoPasswordInk turns off the pen's ink when you enter the password into the Newton's builtin password screen. This allows for more security because you don't have to worry about people looking over your shoulder while the Newton translates the ink into your password. You can install this program on your card or internal memory, but it works better if you install it internally. If you install it on the card then you will have to wait for NoPasswordInk.pkg to be loaded before it is useable. Installing internally the package will be loaded quicker so that you can start writing your password right away without needing to wait for the memory card to load. Name = TRASHPAK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:TRASHPAK Size: 22K Date: 7/21/95 Description: TrashPak 3.11 - (Formerly known as RemoveIt) TrashPak lets you quickly remove Packages and Soups from the internal or PCMCIA card. Also, TrashPak lets you remove entries from the System and Directory soups (can be fatal if you remove the wrong entry, so be careful). The system soup is where preferences for various packages are stored. The Directory soup is where MetaData is stored. MetaData is the data that the NCK uses to display soups for editting. WARNING - While the remove button gives you an chance to change your mind (there is a confim dialog _ONLY_ if you check the Confirm? checkbox in the preferences), undo is NOT supported. If you remove it, it is gone! Name = SOUPMIXE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPMIXE Size: 19K Date: 7/07/95 Description: Soup Mixer 2.11 - Soup Mixer is a soup manager for the Newton MessagePad. It was created because of the poor quality or functionality of soup managers that we looked at. Features include - Movement and duplication of soups of varying stores. Deletion of soups. Emptying of soups (removal of their entries). Hierarchical viewing of soup contents to the n-th level. (Just tap the items you wish to expand.) Deletion and duplication of soup entries. Global Garbage collection thrown in for free. Features don't include - Modification of soup entries in any way. Name = NOH1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOH1 Size: 21K Date: 6/22/95 Description: NOH 1.12 - Names Overview Hack - NOH is an auto part that hacks the overview of Newt's built-in Names app to show the entries in a way I like better. Entries that are sorted by last name are listed as , and entries that are sorted by company are listed as ( ). If it does anything else, it's a bug. Name = LABELS2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:LABELS2 Size: 65K Date: 6/21/95 Description: Labels 2.1 - Labels v2.1 is a US$20 ShareWare program. It allows you to take names from your Names application and add them to a list of Labels to print. You can setup the contents and layout of the labels. You can add and delete items from the label and even set style, size and font of each item in the label. You can setup the number of labels on a page and create your own Formats, with a max. of 4 coloms by 10 rows. You can set border size, gutter and offset in the Format. You can specify on which label position you start to print for the first page. The following pages will start at the top. Name = NOTEMAN2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTEMAN2 Size: 18K Date: 6/21/95 Description: Note Man 1.1 - Note Man will allow you to bring the note pad to the front, no matter what app you're using (so long as it's not a floating app like the Mail Editor.) It will also allow you to close the note pad, saving a few K of heap space. Note Man will place a small button in the upper left or upper right of your screen (depending on whether you've installed the (RT) or (LT) versions.) Tapping the button will bring the Note Pad to the front if there's another app in front of it, or close it if it's in front. Double tapping the button will switch it to the other side. Name = MULTINAM Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MULTINAM Size: 23K Date: 6/20/95 Description: MultiNames 1.1 - Loading too many names into addresses really slows you down! I discovered a hack that lets you make the Names application open other files. So now I can have more than one telephone file on the Newton--like my old Sharp organizer that had three separate telephone files. MultiNames lets you perform the same magic. There are two parts. MultiNames itself is a autopart that changes the effect of tapping on the Names button. If there are other contact files installed, a list of all contact files pops up, and selecting one opens it in the Names application. Names Utility lets you create or remove the other contact files and provides some options for filling them. Name = GROUPER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:GROUPER Size: 14K Date: 6/12/95 Description: Grouper - Here is the package you have been waiting for. Do you have a lot of names in your name file? Does it take forever to change from one folder to another? Are there never enough folders for all of your projects? Well here is the fix to the problems above and more. Grouper allows you to create groups of names and their phone numbers for quick and easy access. At a glance you can see all of the names and numbers that belong to a group. Name = STEWPOT1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:STEWPOT1 Size: 26K Date: 6/07/95 Description: StewPot 1.1 - StewPot is a utility for dealing for soups. If you don't know what they are, you need to find out! Included is a document that explains it all! Copy entries in a soup - or copy the entire soup to a new soup. Move entries from one store to another (Newt to card, card to Newt) - or move the entire soup from one store to another. See what apps add to your Newt (and remove the stuff if they dont clean up after themselves!). Create new slots, entries, and soups of your own. Modify the contents of first and second level entry slots. Remove a single entry from a soup, or all of them. Remove a soup entirely from a store. Print, Fax, or Mail a printout of an entry. From Mark Underwood, NANUG president. Name = LISTBYCH Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:LISTBYCH Size: 5K Date: 5/28/95 Description: List By Changer - This was requested by DigiWold in the Forums. See, we DO listen. All it does is go through and change the List By index on each name in the selected folder. It's free, from Stand Alone. Name = TRASHFO1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TRASHFO1 Size: 8K Date: 5/27/95 Description: Trash Folder 1.0 - Trash Folder is a simple Newton application that lets you delete all the notes from any folder you choose. You select a folder, and Trash Folder will then delete every note it finds in that folder. Trash Folder is useful if you want to delete old folders, or use one or more folders for temporary items. For instance, I kept all of the source code for Trash Folder in a temporary folder. When I was certain I was done with the project I saved all the source to my Mac and then deleted all the source from the temporary folder by using Trash Folder. Name = SIEVE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SIEVE1 Size: 11K Date: 5/23/95 Description: Sieve 1.0 - Sieve is a simple app that lets you run the standard sieve benchmark which calculates a fixed number of prime numbers. My original OMP ran the benchmark in about 143 seconds. My MP 100 runs it in about 65 seconds! Sieve was developed ON my Newton (not on a Macintosh or Windows pc) using Steve Weyer's amazingly wonderful Newt 3.0 developement platform. Newt 3.0 allows you to develop complete NewtonScript applications that produce true Newton packages on your MessagePad. The actual package was then extracted by synchronizing my Newton using the Apple NCK and then pulling the package from it via the shareware ExtractPackages 1.1. Sieve is a Standalone package. Name = ICSFIXER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ICSFIXER Size: 10K Date: 5/22/95 Description: Fixer 1.0 - Dan threw this one together to fix two package related problems. The first is -10401 errors which are caused by packages that are partially installed. The second is -48205 errors when restoring from a backup that contains a soup and package of the same name. You should only run the fixes if you are experiencing the errors. This package isn't a cure all -- it fixes specific problems. Name = NMPMORP1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NMPMORP1 Size: 38K Date: 5/22/95 Description: NMP Morph 0.91 - NMP is the Newton Movie Player 0.91 for Newton! This version of the Newton Movie Player (NMP) is a freeware application for displaying animation frames. NMP will attempt to play a film back in real-time. Since NMP relinquishes control back to the operating system periodically (to help preserve battery life and allow for normal background operating system functions), real-time playback is not guaranteed. You can help NMP out by closing the Extras Drawer after launching NMP. In any event, playback speed is quite good. The film included in this demo was created by scanning 2 photographs. They are both pictures of me in 1968 and 1983. I used Gryphon Software's Morph... Name = NMP01 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NMP01 Size:108K Date: 5/22/95 Description: NMP 0.91 - NMP is the Newton Movie Player 0.91 for Newton! This version of the Newton Movie Player (NMP) is a freeware application for displaying animation frames. NMP will attempt to play a film back in real-time. Since NMP relinquishes control back to the operating system periodically (to help preserve battery life and allow for normal background operating system functions), real-time playback is not guaranteed. You can help NMP out by closing the Extras Drawer after launching NMP. In any event, playback speed is quite good. The film included in the demo was captured with the Connectix QuickCam in 1-bit mode. The resulting QuickTime video was broken apart and imported into the NMP application. Running... Name = MYLOCALE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MYLOCALE Size: 16K Date: 5/02/95 Description: MyLocale - This allows the people in Japan, Austria, Switzerland and other countries that will not have localized version of the Newton created for them to modify their Newton's country locale setting to display their country's currency and number formats. This is free for PocketMoney and MPG users. This also works with programs such as ExpensePlus. If you are using it with ExpensePlus I ask you to please pay the registration fee. Otherwise, it's shareware, $10. Name = SPELLCHE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SPELLCHE Size: 8K Date: 4/26/95 Description: SpellCheck 1.01 - This is a very cool Spell Checker for the Newton! It can spell check any note in the notepad. Just tap in the note, and hit Start. Spell Check will then match each word against the Newton's dictionary (hmm, maybe time to add some words to it!). Freeware. Name = MOREFOLD Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MOREFOLD Size: 32K Date: 4/19/95 Description: More Folders 1.1 - More Folders is a utility to improve the accessibilty of the filing on the Newton, as well as to allow for more filing categories. Normally, when you file an item, you tap on the the folder icon, and a window pops up. You select the folder you want to file the item in, and tap the File button. This seemed like a lot of work to me (I'm pretty lazy ;-) So now, when you want to file an item, you tap on the folder icon, and a pop up list pops up. The current folder has a check mark next to it, and you can file an item simply by tapping on the new folder. To edit your folders, you tap on the Edit Folders item (the last one on the list.) Included in the package is Scroll Menus, so that if you want more than... Name = BIGNOTES Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BIGNOTES Size: 15K Date: 4/18/95 Description: BigNotes 1.01 - Big Notes is a hack for the built in Note Pad application. It will allow notes up to 8 times bigger than the built in software (up to 32k.) You will not see any change in the behavior of the note pad, other than you will not be bugged by those annoying The current note is too large. To start a new note, draw a line across the note pad. messages. If a note gets too big (near the current free heap of the Newton) it will start to slow down. The best policy is to always keep your note to at most 1/2 of the current free heap, and probably 1/3. To find your current note size, tap the 'i' button at it's top. To get the current heap, try using something like ICS's SleepAid (a very cool app, I gotta say.). Name = LONGER1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:LONGER1 Size: 20K Date: 4/17/95 Description: Longer 1.1- Longer lets you view and edit long text notes without some of the Notepad's inconveniences. It was inspired in part by the Graffiti Scratchpad. Basically Longer gives you scrolling capacity and avoids the Notepad's limits on the length of text. You can import notes from the Notepad and export back. You can also save your work into Longer's own soup. Finally, Longer can copy the text contained in a Paperback package. Although Longer scrolls more slowly than a Paperback package does, and Longer text should probably be no more than 20k, Longer provides similar capabilities - including Find - and in Longer you can modify the text. Name = SCROLLME Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCROLLME Size: 13K Date: 3/28/95 Description: Scroll Menus 1.2 -Scroll menus is an auto part package (which means there's no icon in your extras drawer) which, when installed, will allow any menu with too many items to fit on screen to scroll. If there are more items after the items shown, tapping on Next will show the next screenful, and tapping Prev will show the previous screen. The most common use for this is the card app in the extras drawer. Now, if there are more than 23 packages installed on your newton, you can get to all of them to delete those you no longer want. NOTE - There is a conflict with Hardy Macia's ScrollingDoPopup package. It will only occur if it is installed after Scroll Menus. Name = NOTIFYAS Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTIFYAS Size: 4K Date: 3/27/95 Description: NotifyAssist - This will let you tap Assist when a Notification is visible. So if you set up a Reminder and you make the text a viable Assist command; Call Hardy, it will execute it! From Bill Kearney, wkearney@access.digex.n et. Name = PACKFIX1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:PACKFIX1 Size: 7K Date: 3/10/95 Description: PackFix 1.0 - PackFix is a small autopart (no extras drawer icon) which will check each installed store (on a message pad these are the internal RAM and a single PCMCIA memory card, if installed) for bad package data. If such bad data exists, if could be causing -10401 errors when your newton starts up or the storage card is inserted. PackFix will remove this bad data and report to you it's findings. You probably only need to run it every once in a while, or when you start getting -10401 errors. You should always try restarting your newton after getting such an error (unless the error happened WHILE restarting,) as this can fix many of the possible causes of these. You do not need to keep this application on your... Name = SLEEPAID Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SLEEPAID Size: 29K Date: 3/06/95 Description: SleepAid 1.3 - SleepAid covers all aspects of power management on your Newton. It replaces the default Sleep preferences allowing you to set two sleep times - one for battery and one for AC. It lets you reboot or sleep your Newton even if some errant application wants it to stay awake. And finally, it adds a SleepAidNow corner for one tap sleep and a HeapStatus corner for an instant reading of free heap space. SleepAid is not a radical change from the existing interface. It adds functionality without complexity and implements sleep the way it should have been in the first place. Name = SCROLLEX Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCROLLEX Size: 35K Date: 3/01/95 Description: ScrollEx 3.2 DE - This is the German version of ScrollEx. Features - Allows you to scroll the Extras Drawer. Allows scrollable Extras Drawer overview. Allows a direct access to the remove package function. Allows you to move packages to or from the card, and beam packages. Allows you to attach applications to the standard screen buttons (Names, Dates, Extras...). Fixes the icons alignment problem in the Extras Drawer. NOW lets you Archive packages, and they still are available from the Extras drawer!! This program must be installed in the internal RAM and not a card. Everything is German in this version. Name = NEWTCASE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NEWTCASE Size: 33K Date: 3/01/95 Description: NewtCase 1.2 - NewtCase lets any MessagePad user archive his/her Newton applications to reduce heap memory requirements, alleviate conflicts between applications, and clean up his/her Extras drawer. Archived (or NewtCased) packages do not show up in the Extras drawer, but can be reinstalled at any time using NewtCase. With NewtCase, you can temporarily deinstall applications without having to remove them from your MessagePad. NewtCase can launch an archived package and, when you quit from that package, automatically re-archive it. Using NewtCase, you could keep a hundred applications on your 4 meg card without overflowing your heap space or Extras drawer. Shareware. Name = USERDICT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:USERDICT Size: 11K Date: 2/28/95 Description: UserDict 0.1 - This app adds new functionality (oooo! a marketdroid word!) to Intelligent Assistant. If you're not using it now, I wholeheartedly suggest you also install my Assistance! app. This app really benefits from Assistance! begin installed, but it's not absolutely necessary (just harder to use!) Quite simply, UserDict will take any currently selected words and add them to the Newton's user dictionary. Just select a word (or several) and tap Assistance!, then UserDict. It will automagically take your words and attempt to add them to the dictionary. It will pop a message when it finishes. The message will tell you either the word(s) were added or that some or all of them already exist in the... Name = SLEEPSOU Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SLEEPSOU Size: 15K Date: 2/28/95 Description: SleepSoundPro 0.10 - SleepSoundPro (SSP) is a Newton application that lets a user change the Sleep and Wake Up sounds their Newton will make. Normally, the Newton does not make a sound when you turn it off and on. This is a bit boring, so we wrote SleepSound. Features got added, improvements were made and far too much time was spent on a Shareware app. We've added the ability in SleepSoundPro to support Sound Packages. We're distributing the format of Sound Packages freely so that others may create packages usable with SleepSoundPro. If you're interested in creating Sound Packages, contact us via e-mail. Please note that this is a demo version of this package and it will expire 30 days after you install it. Name = ALLTHUMB Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ALLTHUMB Size: 16K Date: 2/28/95 Description: All Thumbs 0.5 - Tired of hitting that darned overview button (*) when you turn the pages on your digital books? All Thumbs to the rescue! This little hack adds three buttons to the display when a book is opened. A left, right and drag button. Their functions are pretty obvious. Tap, hold and then drag the grey area and you can move All Thumbs anywhere on the screen. All Thumbs will close automatically when you close the book. Please note that this is a demo version of this package and it will expire 30 days after you install it. This version will totally expire on 12/31/95 and will not let you install or use it after that date. Shareware. Name = QUICKALL Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:QUICKALL Size: 7K Date: 2/22/95 Description: QuickAll - QuickAll is a small autopart that you install on your Newton. You can install it on your card or in internal memory. It does not show up in the Extras Drawer. What does QuickAll do? QuickAll will quickly change your Names and Notes categories to 'All' whenever you reset your Newton. That's all it does. It take up NO heap memory, and about 2kb of card or internal memory. How does it work? QuickAll comes to life when you Reset you Newton. It sneaks in and changes the filing settings of the NotePad and Names to All. It has to open and close Names to change its settings, so don't be alarmed when this happens. It will happen when you first install QuickAll as well. Name = NAMESTAR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NAMESTAR Size: 10K Date: 2/16/95 Description: NameStart 1.0 - NameStart was formerly Names To All Overview. This mini-app will automatically set your name file to open to all names and in whatever mode you select when the Newton is restarted. This reduces the time to open the names app (since it doesn't have to search through all your folders.) The modes, with their associated packages, are - Card, Card and Notes, All Info, Overview (full screen) and Overview (half screen). Name = NAMEINDE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NAMEINDE Size: 7K Date: 2/15/95 Description: NameIndexer 1.1 - NameIndexer adds an option to the Names Button that, when clicked in the bottom half of the button, pops up the alphabet to zap you to the first entry starting with that letter in the Names File. It also offers you the option of quickly creating a new card in just one step. It uses less than 10K of uncompressed RAM and just a few hundred bytes of system heap. We hope you find this program useful and problem free. However, we are not responsible for any problems or damage resulting from its use or misuse. The program is shareware and can be registered for a mere $4.99, or five bucks if you feel better thinking about money that way. Although inexpensive, we are serious about this shareware fee... Name = SCROLLE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCROLLE1 Size: 37K Date: 2/04/95 Description: ScrollEx 3.2 US - I was very disappointed when I loaded my 21st app into the Newton, and found out that the Extras drawer does not scroll! This app changes all that!! Features - Allows you to scroll the Extras Drawer. Allows scrollable Extras Drawer overview. Allows a direct access to the remove package function. Allows you to move packages to or from the card, and beam packages. Allows you to attach applications to the standard screen buttons (Names, Dates, Extras...). Fixes the icons alignment problem in the Extras Drawer. NOW lets you Archive packages, and they still are available from the Extras drawer!! This program must be installed in the internal RAM and not a card. Works with the new... Name = ADDTODIC Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ADDTODIC Size: 19K Date: 2/01/95 Description: AddtoDict 2.13 - The Newton has a lot of potential, but the recognition dictionary in the first versions is appalling. Having to use the soft-keyboard to type stuff in all the time is a drag. And then it asks you if you want to add the word to the User Dictionary as well! This really gets in the way. AddToDict is a small Newton application that allows multiple additions to your User Dictionary in one sitting. It also has a couple of other goodies. 2.11 has some System management features and automatic addition from your Notes and Names. Take a look at the Pro features. They give you a look at the potential of a future Professional version. Name = NOLINES2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOLINES2 Size: 6K Date: 1/25/95 Description: No Lines 1.1 - No lines is a (very) simple little app that will remove the lines from the Note Pad application. When No Lines is first installed, (or at startup) the first note in the note pad will have it's lines remved. From then on, however, a note will have lines in it. To get rid of them, tap the NL button in the status bar. Name = TRUENAME Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TRUENAME Size: 21K Date:12/27/94 Description: TrueNames 1.0 - TrueNames is a simple Newton application that lets you assign a name to your MessagePad's internal and/or card storage. Just choose a predefined name from the popup labels, or write in your own, and tap the Set... button. There's no grip o' death, so you can eject the card and insert another one if you have multiple cards you want to name. Try it for 10 days and then pay for it or erase it. Why name the stores? Because you can. Also, it's a welcome change from the Card 1, Card 2, and the other boringly generic names that NCK creates when you synchronize. Names make it easier to determine which archive is which, and makes it imposible for NCK to switch the names on you (as it can with the Card #... Name = NEWTINFO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NEWTINFO Size: 49K Date:12/12/94 Description: NewtInfo 0.9b8 - NewtInfo is a system profiler for the Newton MessagePad. It can display, print, fax, e-mail or serially transmit a detailed report of soups, packages, memory usage, add-on prefs and formulas, power-off handlers, idlers, find-enabled packages, and intelligent assistance packages. Users can find out what's taking up so much space on their systems, what some hot new program patches, or why software is suddenly running slower. Developers can have customers use it when calling in with technical support questions. Shareware, $15. Name = CAPITALI Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:CAPITALI Size: 6K Date:12/08/94 Description: Capitalizor 1.0 - Simple hack, as per request. Capitalizor changes the case of every word in the current note, either capitalizing only the first letter, the entire word, or converting the entire note to lower case. It places a button with an a in the status bar of the notepad. Tapping the button will bring up a list of the three options, as described above. Name = DISABLER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:DISABLER Size: 16K Date:11/28/94 Description: Disabler 0.5b1 - Heuristically adjusts the clock on startup, reclaims up to 10K of system memory, and allows the user to disable all InstallScripts, or just InstallScripts on a card. Disabling InstallScripts may help avoid (temporarily) conflicts and Out of Memory errors. Some features require or prefer that Disabler be installed internally; i.e., not on a memory card. Disabling InstallScripts requires that Disabler be installed internally. Disabling internal InstallScripts requires that it be the first package installed internally. The clock adjustment heuristic may not work well unless the package is installed internally, but should still be better than nothing. Reclaiming memory should work fine anywhere. Name = ADDCITY1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ADDCITY1 Size: 20K Date:10/29/94 Description: Addcity 1.6 - Do you live in a city which does not show up on the map in the Time Zones app? AddCity was originally written to allow me to add Calgary, my home town, which wasn't in the original Newton (now it is). Version 1.5 of AddCity adds support for adding multiple cities, using a soup. Simple click AddCity, Enter the City name, latitude, longitude, hours from gmt, country adn area code, then click I'm Here and you're set! Version 1.5.1 of AddCity added support for multiple cities, using a soup. This latest version, 1.6, adds full support for routing. You are able to fax, print, mail, and beam a city to your friends around the world. Name = STOREKEE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:STOREKEE Size: 5K Date:10/26/94 Description: Store Keeper 1.0 - Store Keeper is a simple little package to change your default store to the internal RAM whenever the calendar or names apps are open, so that data entered there ends up on the internal memory rather than the card. When the app is closed it then resets the default store to whatever it was before it was opened. If, however, you open the names file, for example, and then open the extras drawer and download a package without reseting the default store via the card app, the package will end up on the internal RAM. Name = USERPIC1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:USERPIC1 Size: 11K Date:10/25/94 Description: User Picker 1.1 - Did you ever want to share your Newton with a friend or coworker, but couldn't 'cause the recognition would get all screwed up? Well, the solution is here! With user picker, you can create as many different user profiles on your Newton as you like. Each profile has all recognition data (so that the Newt only learns the handwriting of the current person, and keeps what it's learned separate). It also contains all personal information (name, address, mail account and password, etc...) and your folders, so that two different people can organize themselves in different ways. You can add new users, change betweeen current users, and delete old ones using the picker in the... Name = BARFLY1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BARFLY1 Size: 18K Date:10/23/94 Description: BarFly 1.0 - Barfly provides a floating button for use with TPS barcode wands and the Apple Newton series of products. After installing on your Newton, Connect a TPS Barcode wand to the Newton. Tap the barcode icon which will appear in your extras drawer. You will be rewarded with a floating box sporting a barcode and an infodot. You may drag this button to a convenient corner or center of you screen. To begin scanning, tap the infodot and then select Begin Scanning from the popup picker. Tap in any text field to bring up a text insertion cursor, then swipe a barcode. If the barcode was scanned successfully, the barcode will be inserted at the cursor location. Tapping the barcode on the floating box re-enters... Name = EXTRASMG Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:EXTRASMG Size: 32K Date:10/20/94 Description: ExtrasMgr 1.22 - ExtrasMgr is a Newton utility that facilitates the organization of your Extras Drawer. Three main objectives guided this application - Allow access to all installed applications in the internal and external stores. Provide a shortcut way to get to your most frequently used applications via a button in the Notes application. Provide additional ways to view your applications lists by allowing you to organize your applications in folders and by using the sorting order of your preference. Name = NOTEMARK Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTEMARK Size: 8K Date:10/15/94 Description: NoteMarker 1.1 - NoteMarker lets you create bookmarks in the Notepad. When you select one of the names from the popup menu, the marked Note is displayed. The specific items on the menu are - Set, which lets you name or rename the current note. The current note is the top note of which some portion is visible in the Notepad. Selecting Set presents you with the MarkNote slip that has lots of choices - name of the note, sample text from note, set button to record changes, remove button to make the note an unnamed note. The Remove Index button for use immediately prior to a deinstall. Last, moves you to the last note in the current view. The app will take a little while to open the first time it is run, but is... Name = NAMESELE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NAMESELE Size: 8K Date:10/14/94 Description: NameSelector 1.0 - This app replaces the funcionality of your names button. It divides the button into two parts. Tapping on the bottom part of the button brings up the name file, just like normal. Tapping on the upper part, however, brings up a small window. Write the letter of the name you'd like to go to, and the name file will open (if it's not already open) and move the index to the right name (so it's selected in the overview.) Name = CARDFILE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:CARDFILE Size: 19K Date:10/13/94 Description: CardFile++ 1.0 - This application is a recreation of the built-in Names application which takes advantage of two types of learning. It supports only the detailed Show All view. It is compatible with the built-in Names application. The application was written for research purposes and therefore does not contain all the features of a full-blown application, such as overviews, routing, filing, and intelligent assistance. However, since cardFile++ is completely compatible with the original Names app, all of these unimplemented functions can be accomplished through it. The advantage of cardFile++ over the original Names application is in the entering of the name data. This process is much more efficient and... Name = SOUPSWEE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPSWEE Size: 6K Date:10/13/94 Description: SoupSweep - Soup Sweep removes unused memory from the Newton's soups. It typically saves about 10 percent of the memory used by a soup. (Your Milage may vary.) It has been tested with all built-in applications and several third party application on an MP100 and MP110. Freeware, brought to you by the Newton Al group in Washington State University. Name = ROADSHOW Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ROADSHOW Size: 22K Date:10/09/94 Description: RoadShow 1.01 - RoadShow is an application for Newton to help make it easier to configure your PDA's sound and sleep time. Currently, to change the volume, sound effects and sleep time, you need to go through a somewhat cumbersome interaction with the Prefs application. With RoadShow, it becomes easier to switch from being at home and being on the road. With RoadShow, you can configure your Newton's - sounds effects, volume, sleep time and system alarm sound for the two locations, and switch very simply between them. Requires 1.05 or later version of the Newton operating system. Name = APPMEM2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:APPMEM2 Size: 18K Date:10/09/94 Description: App Mem 2.1 - App Memory is a shareware program for disposing of unused memory that applications leave behind and thus eating up memory. If you ever get the There is not enough memory - Cancel or Reboot message (who has not !), then this program is for you. Why does this happen? Because programs don't free up all the memory they use when they quit. Even the built in apps don't. So, every time you run a different program, some memory gets left behind. Soon, not enough memory is available for program data. Then that message pops up and, if you reboot, you have to reset the Names, Notes and other apps to show what you want. Some applications may malfunction or ask for a registration number again. If one does,... Name = MACSTART Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MACSTART Size: 60K Date:10/08/94 Description: MacStartupSoundPacks - These files are extensions for use with SleepSoundPro. If you don't have SleepSoundPro currently installed on your Newton, STOP NOW. It's useless to install these without SleepSoundPro (SSP). A ReadMe file for SleepSoundPro is included with this file if you'd like more info. On a Newton with SleepSoundPro already installed, simply install the desired sound. There are four sound files included in this package. They're the startup beeps from 4 major Macintosh models; the 128, II, Quadra and Power Macintosh. Once installed, select the desired sound from the SleepSoundPro Formula panel. You can use any sound for either sleep or wakeup. Shareware. Name = SCRATCHP Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCRATCHP Size: 60K Date: 9/22/94 Description: ScratchPad 2.0 - This little funware app makes scratching sounds as you stroke the stylus over the ScratchPad. Simulates the sound made by scratching a needle on a record, popularized in some forms of modern music, especially contemporary urban. When records can no longer be found, we'll have to rely on our Newtons! This version adds many user-selectable scratch sounds and effects like handclaps and cowbells. This thing is a riot! Name = NOSLEEP1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOSLEEP1 Size: 77K Date: 9/11/94 Description: NoSleep 1.70 - No Sleep is a program that will keep Newton from going to sleep when Newton's AC adapter is powering it. No matter what sleep time you have set, Newton will remain alive. No Sleep Main Features - No Sleep is the only Newton keep-on-if-plugged-in program that does not alter Newton Internal things to function. No Sleep lets you have your own Power On and Power Off sounds. No Sleep can automatically change the Sleep Time when not on A/C for longer battery life. No Sleep displays the Data Backup Battery status. (That I know of and I think I've look at all of them.). Shareware. Name = MAGICAPP Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MAGICAPP Size: 13K Date: 9/03/94 Description: MagicApp 1.1 - MagicApp is an indispensible program that allows you to move and copy programs from a Newton to a storage card and copy programs from one storage card to another with the tap of a pen. Load onto INTERNAL storage NOT a storage card. Moving and copying programs requires sufficient free storage space in the INTERNAL storage and on the storage card. The practical limitations are packages up to 80-90k on MP100s and 2-300k on MP110s. If you have a very full MessagePad or storage card, this will reduce the size of the program you can move or copy. Runs on the Newton MessagePad 100 and 110, does not run on the MessagePad Classic. MagicApp is not guaranteed to run on future Newton MessagePad... Name = WHATERRO Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:WHATERRO Size: 11K Date: 8/15/94 Description: What Error 1.1 - Thanks for trying What Error? A while back I put out a newton book that listed all the errors in the newton, as documented by the beta version of the Newton Toolkit. Since the new version has come out (with a whole bunch of new errors,) I haven't had a chance to update the book. I decided rather than updating it, I would redo it's interface. Now, whenever an error occurs, the notification box that comes up will tell you the type of error at the top of the box, and a somewhat more in depth description below. These descriptions are straight out of the Newton Programmer's Guide (with some typos by me...) so don't blame me for some what un-descriptive phrases (it's better than what you're used... Name = BOOKCASE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BOOKCASE Size: 7K Date: 8/15/94 Description: Bookcase 1.2 - This is a helpful program if you have alot of books on your Newton. When you tap on BookCase, it'll show you a list of all of your books, in case you feel like reading, but don't want to look all over the Extras drawer. Also, a handy feature is that you can choose to hide the books from the Extras Drawer - freeing up precious real estate! Also, make sure all of your books are showing in the Extras drawer before backing up with the Connectivity kit. By Michael Tibbott. Compatible with NewtCase. Name = BOOKCAS1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BOOKCAS1 Size: 5K Date: 6/20/94 Description: Bookcase - This is another hack from Bill Kearney. It just lists all the books currently installed in your Newton and lets you open them by clicking on their name from it's list. The Find Only in Books box does just that. It limits the find function to looking only in ALL books and nowhere else. It's only while you're in Bookcase or in one of the books you've opened. Shareware, $5. Name = NEWTONUN Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:NEWTONUN Size: 10K Date: 6/16/94 Description: NewtonUnlock 2.1 - NewtonUnlock is a small (9k) utility which allows you to bypass the password protection on a Newton. There is also a 6k help file that may be loaded for online help. If NewtonUnlock is stored on a card, simply install the card when the Newton asks for the password. Wait for the Newton to read the card, and poof you're into the Newton. If NewtonUnlock is stored on the internal RAM, do a reset. The password screen will close soon after opening, and you're into the Newton. Once into your Newton, run NewtonUnlock from the Extras drawer and remove the password. This version places logs in the notification to allow someone to check if their Newton was broken into. Freeware. Works on 2.0... Name = COPYMACH Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:COPYMACH Size: 10K Date: 6/15/94 Description: CopyMachine 1.01 - Before you have a RAM card (PCMCIA card), all of your notes, to do's, addresses and calendar things are stored on the Newton's internal memory. Once you obtain a PCMCIA card, there is no easy way to transfer your personal data to the card (to free internal memory or what have you). CopyMachine lets you do just that. After you launch it, it shows how many notes, have, and where they are stored. You can then transfer all or some of the items to the PCMCIA card. Or from the card to the internal storage. This was originally written to help those who were using a US Newton, and then obtained a local (German or..) Newton, and wanted to transfer their personal items without backing... Name = SYSBEEP Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SYSBEEP Size: 21K Date: 5/30/94 Description: SysBeep - SysBeep is a small program to give you a different beep sound. Two packages are included. One says Uh OH, the other, What the Hell?. You may install only one package at a time. Just run it once after installing (or reseting) to activate the new sound. It overrides the normal System Beep routine. Now, when you get an alert, you will hear Uh Oh or What the Hell ?, instead of the alarm sound that you selected in the Preferences Section. To cancel this new beep sound, you need to remove the package or reset your machine. If you install it in internal memory (it's about 12k), it won't holler at you when you remove a card. The sounds are from AMUG's Ashley Barnard, and her mother, Joey Baker. Name = BETTERFI Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BETTERFI Size: 5K Date: 5/29/94 Description: BetterFind 1.0 - Better Find is a Newton package which improves Find a little bit by making it behave more like Assist - if you select some text, then open Find, the text will be placed in the Find window. This makes it easier to search for text that is already entered in your Newton. Freeware. Takes up 5k once installed. Name = BOOKSOFF Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BOOKSOFF Size: 7K Date: 5/12/94 Description: Books Off 2.0 - The Find button in the palette is very useful, especially the Find All command. It will look at all data in the Newton. But if there is a digital book, the speed of the command execution will be very slow. With BooksOff, Find All skips all digital books, so the execution time becomes very short. Of course, if there is a time that the data in the digital book is required, BooksOff can be easily turned on or off. Name = MEMFREE0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MEMFREE0 Size: 11K Date: 5/08/94 Description: Memfree 0.91 - MemFree shows the amount of memory free as reported by stats() -- that is, the amount of the NewtonScript heap that's free. The number is kept up to date by a viewIdleScript (as long as the checkbox is checked) and the GC button can be used to force a garbage collection if you want to know the amount of memory that can be made free. It's (in my opinion) a mildly annoying aspect of stats() that it prints more information in the inspector window than it returns as a call. For that reason, if you have the inspector open while MemFree is running, you will get the output of the stats() call every 3 seconds. Source code is included. Name = SIGNATUR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SIGNATUR Size: 8K Date: 4/28/94 Description: Signature - Contains two freeware programs - Signature and Signed. Signature adds a new preference to the preference roll where the user can put in their signature. It makes an entry in the userConfiguartion entry called signature. I hope to include this in future ROMs and want to get this out so that other applications (like the next one) can take advantage of it. Signed takes advantage of Signature and adds a new print format to the paper roll which provides for a letter format that automatically signs the letter with the signature in the preferences. Name = MEMORY1A Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MEMORY1A Size: 8K Date: 4/28/94 Description: Memory 1 and 2 - The memory utility provides a way to modify and change the current frames heap memory. When you run memory it will monitor how much frames heap is available every .5 seconds and display this information. It will also keep track of the minimum amount of memory it sees. There are two versions of memory. Memory2 will allow you to change how much memory is available. This is intended to help developers test for low memory conditions. You can only load one version of memory at a time. You can test for low memory conditions in your applications by tapping the down arrow. This will take away an additional 2000 bytes of memory each time you tap it. You can return this memory by tapping the up arrow. Name = REBATE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:REBATE Size: 4K Date: 4/28/94 Description: Rebate - Rebate returns some of the memory used on an original Newton MessagePad when applications are loaded. In that version of Newton, the install scripts and icon for an application took up place in the working memory or frames heap. Load lots of applications and the loss of the memory could be significant. Load this application as the first application in internal memory and you should have more memory. Owners of MessagePad 100s (and upgraded MessagePads) and 110s do not need this program. By Chris Christensen. Takes up 3k on the Newton. 2/21/94. Name = ONSET1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ONSET1 Size: 43K Date: 4/26/94 Description: OnSet 1.0 - OnSet will allow you to change your power-on screen picture. You can change it to a number of preset ROM/system bitmaps or bitmaps that are stored in a special soup. A few such custom pictures have been included with the OnSet archive. Make sure that you install OnSet first and then later install the other packages or you will crash your Newton. After downloading the package, just open your prefs roll and select Power-On Screen from the overview list. Clicking on the icon will get you there too. Select your picture with the arrows and click on the set button. Whamo! Your newton will now power-on with the picture you selected. Name = HEAPIT1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:HEAPIT1 Size: 11K Date: 3/13/94 Description: HeapIt 1.0 - HeapIt is a small utility for the Newton MessagePad that removes InstallScripts from the system heap. The Newton OS leaves the install scripts in the heap, even though they are only used once. We're not sure why it does this, but if you have 10-20 apps installed, that's a lot of heap space! HeapIt also provides a heap space display on the Card/Backup slip and allows you to run HeapIt from there.When you run HeapIt, it will list the available heap space (HeapIt uses some of the heap itself when it runs). If you wish to purge the heap of InstallScripts, click on the Kill All InstallScripts button. HeapIt will remove the InstallScripts one by one, updating the heap status as it... Name = SOUPAWAY Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPAWAY Size: 11K Date: 3/12/94 Description: SoupAway 0.01 - The purpose of this application is to allow the user to purge his/her MessagePad of left over soups from no-longer resident applications. Back up first. If you use this application, you could lose data. If you lose data, and you don't have a backup, you no-longer have that data. When used correctly, it will help free up precious memory on your Newton! Name = BUTTON0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BUTTON0 Size: 8K Date: 2/24/94 Description: Button - The Button is a program that gives you complete life-or-death control over your newton's little world. Ok, so all it does is reboot the newton, but it accomplishes this in a new and unique way. Not only do you get a nice little icon of a failsafe cover, but clicking on the icon reveals a big friendly-looking button that nukes the screen and reboots when pressed. Oh yea, just in case you carelessly leave the failsafe cover open don't worry; it will close by itself about 6 seconds after it was opened. This program falls into the category of cute, but not extremely useful, by-products of my learning process. Feel free to send comments or offers to improve on my artwork. Name = SAFEGUAR Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SAFEGUAR Size: 11K Date: 2/24/94 Description: Safe Guard 1 - Safe Guard is a utility that allows you to password protect your PCMCIA cards. In order to use the card, the person inserting the card must enter the password. In order to use, tap the Safe Guard icon in the Extras Drawer. Tap the Password button and enter your password to use. Now whenever the card is put into a Newton, a password screen will open asking for the password. Upon entering the proper password, Safe Guard will open itself if someone placed the card into a Newton. Safe Guard will not open if there is not a log of bad attempts. You may tap any of the bad attempts in the log to get more info about the attempt. To turn off password protection, set the password to nothing just as in the Prefs. Name = BRAIN2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BRAIN2 Size: 11K Date: 2/09/94 Description: Brain 2.0 - Battery Brain for Newtons monitors your battery level and can alert you if the battery level drops below a user-defined threshold. If you've used your Newton a lot, you already know how quickly it can eat through batteries. But, you will probably be surprised at how fast your battery life decreases once your batteries drop below a certain level. Battery Brain monitors that decrease and will warn you as your batteries become weaker and weaker. Battery Brain will also automatically turn off sounds and the Receive beams automatically setting at user defined levels to help conserve battery power. This version is a complete rewrite from the ground up, with many changes! Name = TRASHCAN Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TRASHCAN Size: 11K Date: 2/05/94 Description: TrashCan 1.0 - TrashCan is a useful utility for deleting packages from a Newton. It lists packages on all available stores in one list. The list even includes the Extras drawer name. Read the easy to follow instructions before using. Name = ICEBOX1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ICEBOX1 Size: 11K Date: 2/03/94 Description: IceBox1.0 - IceBox contains two programs to make life easier with the Newton. The Newton will only let you see and access 30 programs from the Extras drawer. IceBox gets around that. It presents a scrolling list of your programs, allowing you to open those that you can't see in the drawer. Also included is minimize, which lets you have access at all times to the your list of programs. You must install these two before you've hit the limit of 30 (so you can see them and launch em). Caution, I've heard that loading up your Newton can cause a System Heap problem, and problems down the road. Just don't put 60 programs on!! If you start noticing problems (rebooting often...), just reduce your amount of... Name = BSAVER1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BSAVER1 Size: 10K Date: 2/03/94 Description: BSaver 1.0 - This package checks the battery level every 60 seconds and adjusts the sound volume to match your preferences. (High sound settings drain the battery). Bsaver Sets your sound volume according to battery status - charged battery - high volume, 25 percent of battery - low volume. This package works in background until you tap again on it's icon in the extra drawer. Features - Actual battery level is now a real time indicator, percent added on each slider, no more error or reset when removing - reinstall, now enable and disable receive beam automatically if needed and shows state in the extraDrawer. Name = PASSWORD Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:PASSWORD Size: 6K Date:12/12/93 Description: Password - Password is a small utility for quickly turning on an off password protection on the Newton. Its icon in the extras drawer indicates whether password protection is currently turned on or off. Click on its icon to toggle the state. The built-in way of turning on/off password protection is somewhat cumbersome, especially if you do it often. To turn off password protection you use Prefs, enter your old password, and leave the new password line blank. To turn password protection back on, you return to Prefs and reenter your password. The Password utility is so much easier!! Use of Password is free of charge. Name = KILLFIND Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:KILLFIND Size: 7K Date:12/05/93 Description: KillFind 0.4 - Well, I don't know about you, but I really hate it when the Newton goes wandering around in World looking for stuff. I basically only want the Newton to search the Names and the Notes. With the advent of books, it's a HUGE inconvenience waiting for it to finish with The Jungle Book when I'm just looking for Rob's phone number! What it does - It modifies the findApps slot. This is an array that the Newton looks through when doing finds. It was a pain to find this stuff, not to mention how irritated the Newton gets when you whack something it _really_ needs. Don't write to ROM, it just irritates the ROM. . Pay the shareware fee!! Name = SKIP1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SKIP1 Size: 11K Date:11/22/93 Description: Skip 1.0 - Introducing Skip 1.0, the complete version of the first truly useful utility for the Newton MessagePad and ExpertPad. Skip is a Styles shortcut. With Skip installed, the Styles palette is always one tap away, yet Skip never gets in your way. Skip utilizes the unused space on the touchscreen which does not cover the active display. Tapping in the upper left or right corners of your screen will activate Skip and bring forth the Styles palette. To use Skip, install the appropriate Skip package with your connection kit. If you want Skip to reside in the top left corner, install SkipLeft.pkg. For the top right, install SkipRight.pkg. Name = BEEPBEEP Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BEEPBEEP Size: 9K Date:11/17/93 Description: Beep Beep - This is a Newton demo of using sounds and picture resources directly found in the ROM. It is FiggleWare so if you think its cool, drop the author a line at and let her know how it went. Name = STRAINER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:STRAINER Size: 15K Date:11/15/93 Description: Strainer 0.8 - Strainer 0.8 is the latest release of the Strainer utility, adding several new features. Strainer is designed to let you easily mark and remove entries from your Newton's storage. This can help you to get around a bug in the Datebook which makes it difficult to delete certain entries, or to remove outdated entries in order to keep as much memory free as possible. New features in version 0.8 - You can now mark entries in multiple soups and strain them all at once; now handles straining of items on storage cards, if present; Strainer now has dialogs to ask you what you want to do if you close the app before straining out the entries you have marked, and more. Name = SOUPER1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPER1 Size: 31K Date:11/15/93 Description: Souper 1.1 - As I began to work with, and develop software for the Newton, I was frustrated by the fact that I couldn't clear out a file (Soup) easily. I had to delete each record (Entry) individually, so I started to write an application that would clear out a Soup. Once I got started, I began to add other things to my 'wish list' and the package you now have grew out of that list. Within the Souper application you have the ability to select the Store on which you want to work and the Soup you wish to operate on. You may rename a given Soup, Delete an entire Soup, Clear all entries out of a Soup, or get information about a Soup. The functions Rename, Remove, and Clear operate as you would expect. Name = REBOOTER Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:REBOOTER Size: 5K Date:11/03/93 Description: Rebooter - Here's a little Newton utility. It's only function is to allow you to reboot the Newton from the extras drawer. It puts up a simple dialog and beeps to warn that it will reboot the machine. If you close it, it won't, and if you hit the reboot button it will do the deed. Name = PLACESET Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:PLACESET Size: 8K Date:11/03/93 Description: PlaceSettings - This Newton Place Settings utility was written because the author lives in Seattle and his city isnt in the Time Zones list. Yeah, he could choose Portland, but it just wasnt right. Also, he prefers using the 24-hour time, and didnt want to choose a French Canadian locale to get it. Place settings helps you tell the Newton where you really live (you'll have to know the lattitude and longitude or your local airport), and how you like your time (12 hour or 24 hour). Complete instructions are included. Name = AUTODICT Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:AUTODICT Size: 10K Date:11/03/93 Description: AutoDict 1.1 - Have you ever added people to your Newton Names list using Newton Connection on the Macintosh? Or have you managed to transfer your contacts from your company database into your Newton Connection Software? And then you wanted to call or fax somone and Newton didn't recognize the name correctly? So you had to add it to your word list (i.e. user dictionary) manually?!?! Never again! AutoDict automagically scans your Names soup for new entries and adds the corresponding names (Company, First, Last,..) to your word list. So the next time after you download new addresses from your Mac just go to the Extras drawer, tap AutoDict and tap the Add Names to Dictionary button. Then Newton will recognize... Name = SAMSSLEE Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SAMSSLEE Size: 8K Date:11/03/93 Description: Sam's Sleeper 1.00 - Sam's Sensable Sleeper, when turned on, detects whether you are operating by plug or by battery. You may then set the sleep time on your Newton based on whether you are using the plug or the battery. Thus, if most of the time you use the plug (at your office where your plug is, perhaps), you can set sleep to never. When you then carry it around off the plug, you can have the sleep be, say, 1 minute. This way, you don't have to always dive through a zillion menus just to reset the sleep. You do it once with this package and the package will do it for you from then on (if you turn it on). Name = MINITOOL Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MINITOOL Size: 10K Date: 8/31/93 Description: Mini tools - Tools for checking memory and entering Newton Script into the Newton. Welcome to the Newton mini-tools. This collection of freeware tools will grow in time. For this first release, there are two different Newton applications for you to enjoy - Memory Massager - The prime purpose of this is to call a garbage collection in your Newton's memory. In theory, this should get rid of all the dross hanging around. NewtonScriptRunner - This is a slightly modified version of one of the demos provided with the Newton Toolkit. NewtonScript, which is the language used to program Newton systems, can be compiled and run on the fly, and this little utility allows you to do just this. Name = MEMORYMA Path = PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MEMORYMA Size: 7K Date: 8/23/93 Description: MemoryMassager - The prime purpose of this is to call a garbage collection in your Newton's memory. In theory, such a garbage collection should get rid of all the dross hanging around, and you may find that this staves off the need to restart from time to time (when using version 1.02 of the Newton OS). It incidentally includes information about free and total memory, battery power, and battery compartment temperature, all of which are available in other tools on the Newton. However, try tapping on the temperature bar... Everything else should be self-explanatory.