StoreInfo 1.0 The Storage Space Monitor for the Newton Copyright )1996, J. Cicinelli. All Rights Reserved. Purpose: StoreInfo is a simple little application (11K, 0.1K heap) that lives inside a floating window and monitors the amount of available storage space on the internal and external stores connected to your Newton. The program is compatible with Newton 1.x and 2.0 systems, and offers users of 1.x users a window is similar to the "Memory Info" window that is available in the Extras Drawer under Newton 2.0. The advantage of using StoreInfo, however, is that its window can be displayed at all times on the screen without using much screen space and it can be easily invoked with a product like GestureLaunch* from ICS. In addition to reporting the amount of available space on each store, the Default Store is indicated using a bullet next to the appropriate store and the Read/Write Status of each store is reported with either a locked or ulocked padlock icon in StoreInfo's window. The application also supports screen rotation under Newton 2.0. Enjoy! J Distribution: StoreInfo is copyright )1996, by Joseph Cicinelli. All Rights are Reserved WorldWide. The program and its documentation are Freeware and may be distributed freely on Bulletin Boards, Online Services, and all kinds of electronic media without additional permission. If you need to speak directly to me, I can be reached by eMail at, or by U.S. Postal address 3752 W. Alameda Road, Glendale, Arizona, 85310-3300, (602) 581-3865. Installation: 1. StoreInfo may be installed using a Macintosh or PC with Apple's Newt Installer or a similar program. Other examples include such programs as PDA Package Downloader 1.5, the Newton Connection Kit*, or the Newton Backup Utility*. Version History: 1.0 First Public Release. ------------------------------------------- Macintosh, MessagePad, and Newton( are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.