NGP Mac / NGPXfer NGP Mac is an object-based drawing program for the Macintosh. It allows users to quickly create rough sketches as well as diagrams through the use of a standard set of tools. These basic drawing tools include: boxes, lines and circles. NGPXfer is a simple drawing transfer program for NGP. Users can transfer their drawings from Newton NGP to the NGP Mac. These drawings can then be edited on the desktop and saved. To get started quickly: Launch NGP Mac. The vertical palette allows you to select a drawing tool (e.g., Line, Circle, or Box), while the horizontal palette configures how the tools will look (e.g., line thickness, fill pattern, and line pattern). Use the Selector tool to select drawn objects (draw a box around the objects while the Selector tool is active). When an object is selected, you can move, cut, copy or clear it. Some tips for troubleshooting: Problem: When I transfer a drawing to the desktop, it seems to be missing the last object I drew on Newton. Answer: This normally happens when NGP is left open on Newton. Make sure that NGP is closed before transferring pictures. Problem: When I transferred a drawing to NGP Mac, some of the objects I had drawn were distorted or didnUt show up. Answer: If you used a specific tool in your drawing, that isnUt currently installed, Newton wonUt be able to translate the object and it wonUt show up. To fix this reinstall the appropriate tools. If the tool is installed and it still not visible or appears distorted (on the Macintosh), then it is a problem with the tool. When a drawing is transferred, each tool is responsible for breaking itUs objects up into primitives (lines, circles and boxes). In some cases it is not possible for a tool to create a good representation (e.g., the text tools - the text wonUt transfer). In these cases, the original programmer will make a best effort. Problem: Something has gone wrong and my Macintosh has locked-up. Answer: Under rare circumstances, an error can occur while transferring a picture to Mac NGP. When this happens, it is recommended that you reset your Macintosh. Though there are other methods for correcting this problem, they may not always work very well. Problem: I try to launch a package on Newton, but a message appears saying RThe serial port is already in use.S Answer: Another program is running that uses the serial port. Check to see if NGPXfer or another connection program is running and close it. Problem: I want to use the drawing tools on my Newton with NGP Mac. Answer: Unfortunately, there is no direct way to import a Newton tool package to the Macintosh. Problem: I transferred a grouped object to NGP Mac, but it doesnUt remain grouped on the Macintosh. Answer: When complex objects are transferred to the desktop, they are broken down into primitive shapes. Unfortunately, NGP Mac doesnUt support grouping and all primitive shapes (lines, circles and boxes) are treated as individual objects. Included files: README.TXT Text file you are reading now. NGP Mac 1.0 Macintosh NGP program. NGPXF10E.PKG Installable NGP transfer program (English). NGP Mac Help.pdf Documentation for NGP Mac and NGPXfer in Adobe Acrobat format. For more information, please consult the NGP World-Wide Web page at: 25 October 1996