SpellBox 1.2 - In the Newton OS 2.1 there is a spelling checker. It's most famous for its appearance in the NewtWorks word processor, although there are several third-party product which bring spell-checking to other places in the Newton. Until now, there was no way to quickly look up a word in the dictionary, though. Either you typed it in the word processor or spell-checked it, or scribbled it in the Notepad and used a third-party solution. Both ways are inconvenient. SpellBox ends that madness. You can quickly look up words in the built-in dictionary and look at alternative spellings. Requirements - A Newton device with Newton OS 2.1 or greater. (That means a MessagePad 2000, 2100, or eMate. It's been tested on a MessagePad 2000 only. There shouldn't be any problems with any others, though.)