Sound To Soup v1.01 by DMP Systems ---------------------------------- Sound To Soup (copyright 1997 by DMP Systems) is a program that will enable you transform a NotePad recording into a soup and have that sound available for the O/S to use in any place that you can select sounds. Using Sound To Soup ---------------------- 1. Make a Sound Recording in the NotePad. 2. Name this new recording by tapping the box in the upper left of the recording. The default name is the date. 3. Press the 'Add' button in Sound To Soup. This will copy the sound into it's own soup and add it to the Registered Sound List. You'll see the soup in the Storage drawer named: "Soundxxxxxxxx:DMP" where xxxxxx is the name you gave it. If you did not name it, the a number will be used. That's it. You may now use that sound in any application that lets you select sounds. A well written app lets you use any sound that have been 'Registered' with the O/S. Open up Preferences and tap 'Alarm' and then 'Alarm Sound'. You'll see all your added sounds there with all other sounds listed. Tested with: ----------- Sound To Soup has been tested with Sunrise and Sound Off A-OK. So any other program that uses sounds should be OK. Notes: ------ The Recording must be the top note showing. ie, it has the separator bar at the top of the screen. If you delete a Sound Soup, press the Update Sound List button so that Newton knows that the sound is gone. If you don't, it still remains and takes memory as the sound is in what's called a VBO. Only the first 64k bytes of a Recording Note is used. This will give a sound of 32 seconds when you have the recording compression set to 2k/sec and 8 seconds when set to 8k/sec. The Play button lets you play the sound that Sound To Soup sees as the current recording. So that you can check it out before making it into a soup. You don't need to keep the Recording Note in the NotePad after making it into a soup sound. That would just waste storage. You can't save the same named Recording Note twice. A unique name has to be used for each soup. If you try, a message will let you know. How to install Sound To Soup --------------------------------- Use the Newton Backup Utility or Newton Connection Utility or Newton Package Installer for installing Sound To Soup. If you are using Windows and UnStuffit, then be sure to set the Cross Platform Options to Never so that the WIN package installer won't complain about " ... not a package". Be sure that your Newtons Date is correct. Don't try to cheat by setting your Date ahead. Unregistered, Sound To Soup will function: 0 days < install date < 45 days. Sound To Soup Options ----------------------- When you press the 'i' button, you will get a list of options: About: Shows version number and contact information. Register: Brings up the registration window for entering the unlock code. Check that the Name displayed is correct. If needed, do a Note Fax and tap the top / left of the 'envelope' to set the Owner Name. Enter the registration code using the keyboard and then press the Register Button. If the code is correct, you'll be told so. Freezing Sound To Soup ------------------------- Do Not Freeze Sound To Soup as when you Reset, your sounds will not be registered with the O/S ! Like many things, the Sound Register reverts back to only the ROM sounds when Newton is reset. The Sound To Soup Install Script puts the sounds back into the registry. Heap Space used by Sound To Soup ------------------------------------- Sound To Soup uses about 800 (or less) bytes of your precious heap (frames) memory for traps to detect power on when unregistered to count days. When registered, it uses a lot less. The package itself uses about 32k. It using no CPU time unless active on screen. Much Thanks to: ----------------- Someone unknown who asked for this function in the comp.misc.newton.sys newsgroup. Registering Sound To Soup ----------------------------- Sound To Soup will work in your Newton for 45 days after you first install it. If you do not register it, then after 45 days Sound Soups created by Sound To Soup will not be put in the sound list, so then won't be usable. However, the soups will remain intact. 30 days after installation, Sound To Soup will announce that it is not registered, once per day. This gives you plenty of time to see if it works for you and register it. The registration fee is $10 USD. When you send the registration fee, DMP Systems will send you the unlock code. Your Newton's Owner -> Name is used to generate the code. Use the Register screen to enter the code. The CIS SWREG ID # is: ???? (not yet assigned). Go SWREG to register on Compuserve. The Kagi Register ID is S5 , which identifies DMP Systems as the payee. If using Newton Register, please fill in the amount of $10. For WWW on-line registration using a Secure Server, surf to my home page: and there you will find a link or find a link on the Kagi home page: For postal registrations, please send directly to me. Do not send to Kagi. They only do credit cards / on-line / fax orders. Sound To Soup v1.01 Registration Form for postal registration --------------------------------------------------------------- Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address Line 1: _____________________________________________________________ Address Line 2: _____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________________ State / Province: _____________________________________________________________ Zip / Postal Code: _____________________________________________________________ Country: _____________________________________________________________ (From other than USA / North America, please deduct up to 25% of the fee for your postage) Newton "Owner -> Name, First & Last" (for unlock code): _____________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________ Please send $10 USD to: David M. Pompea DMP Systems 62 Brittany circle Rochester, NY 14618 USA For email contact: All my Newton programs are at: . Check there for new versions or email me as I release beta versions to registered users and people that ask. The Legal Stuff: ---------------- DISCLAIMER No warranty, express or implied, is made with respect to this software, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. I do not warrant that the function of the software will meet customers requirements, or will operate in the manner desired by customer or that the software shall be error free. I shall not, under any circumstance, be liable to customer or third party for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to the loss of data or information of any kind, loss of profit, or liability to third parties, however caused, whether by the act or negligence, of use or inability to use or otherwise. It is recognized that the equipment this software is used on contains memories or data or other things that may be valuable to the customer or a third party. In no event shall I be liable to the customer or any third party if any such data or memory or other things are lost or changed or destroyed, regardless of the cause of any such loss or change or destruction, directly or indirectly arising from customers use misuse or inability to use the software either separately or in conjunction with other equipment. Who owns this Software: ------------------------- The programs in this package are licensed, not sold to you when you pay the Shareware Fee. They remain owned by DMP Systems. They are Copyright ) 1995,1997 DMP Systems, all rights reserved. You may use the programs only on one Newton at a time. No copies of this software shall be made except for backup needs. The registration of this package may not be transferred. This software may not be disassembled or altered. This documentation is copyrighted by DMP Systems and may not be reproduced or copied by any means including, but not limited to photocopier, computer, transcribed, or verbal or any other way. The program were developed using the Newton Toolkit, which is Copyright ) 1992-1996 Apple Computer, Inc. DMP Systems accepts no responsibility or liability for the product or what it might do to your Newton or Mac. You use this program at your own risk! Newton and NTK are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Sound To Soup code and documentation are copyright 1995-1997 by DMP Systems Release Info: 1.01 9/1/97 1st public release 1.01b1 8/29/97 released to beta testers