noFX - is a preferences panel which allows you to turn on or off the individual effect types on the MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. This includes the delete, poof, scroll, and view effects. Each has its own checkbox for turning that respective effect on or off. By turning off the delete effect, you will no longer get the crumpling of the paper with the toss into the trash. The delete will just happen. Turning off the scrub effect will turn off the poof that happens when you scrub a word, but you will still get the "poof" sound. The scroll effects pertains to the slide effect that happens when you scroll in "Notes" or other such applications that use the SlideEffect routine. Finally, view effects refers to such effects as opening and closing views. Use NPI or NBU to install this extension onto your Newton device. This extension will only work on the MessagePad 2000 and the eMate 300, but will cause no harm if loaded on the MessagePad 120 or the MessagePad 130.