HyperNewt 2.61 - is a revolutionary new way to create and organize data on your Newton. Its intuitive interface, flexible data management controls, and powerful linking capabilities make HyperNewt your NewtonUs new window to information. If you are new to the Newton, you will find HyperNewt easy to learn and use. HyperNewt leverages on the built-in filing system of the Newton by adding a familiar file and folder metaphor. HyperLinks are similar to aliases or shortcuts on your desktop computer. If you are an experienced Newton user, HyperNewt will change your relationship with data on your Newton. HyperNewt leverages on the NewtonUs data architecture, allowing access to virtually all types of data through HyperLinks, and the ability to organize data hierarchically. HyperNewt gives you the power and flexibility to arrange your information around meaningful relations that you define.